I want to keep my G.P.A above 3.5 and stay in honors society and get A's on my report card, by the end of the year. I will keep a folder holding all my tests and quizzes to keep to improve. -
I want to improve my soccer abilities and to be able to make the Parkside Soccer team by next year. By practicing everyday and practicing with my family. -
When I turn 14 I want to be able to get a job by applying for jobs and working very hard. -
I want to graduate college, and I want to study abroad and I want to learn different languages abroad. I will study very hard and pay attention In my classes and get good grades. -
In the future I want to be able to afford my own apartment in a different country. I will work vey hard, I will set up some sort of calendar to track my progress, and I will not send my money so freely. -
Travel The World
I want to be able travel to places like; Laos, Thailand, Seoul (South Korea), London, Australia, and places in the Caribbean. I will accomplish this goal by getting a good paying job, and also keeping track of my money.