Old Testament Timeline

  • 2000 BCE

    Pre-History and Genesis 1-11-Beginnings

    Author of Genesis: Moses
    Main Characters: God, Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, Noah.
    Main Events: the creation of the world and humans, the fall of humankind, The Flood, Noah after the flood, the Table of Nations, the Tower of Babel, and the Shemites. The first book of the Pentateuch. The Pentateuch are the first five books of the old testament that provides us with early history of God's people.
  • 1900 BCE

    Genesis 12-50

    Main Characters: Abraham (Abram), Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph.
    The four men who stand at the foundation of our faith.
    Main Events: Abraham and Isaac. Abraham shows God his faith by attempting to sacrifice Isaac.
    God's covenant with Abraham's family grow into a great nation. God's promised Abraham and Sarah a son (Isaac). Isaac's sons, Jacob and Esau, were born, but Jacob was the chosen one by God for the ancestral covenant. Joseph's rise in Egypt. Patriarchs are Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph.
  • 1446 BCE


    Main Characters: Moses & Pharaoh
    Main Themes: Israel's Slavery out of Egypt, Plagues, the Red Sea, Israel in the desert, Israel in Mount Sinai, and the Ten Commandments. Exodus happened in these days of Moses and the Israelites conquest out of Egypt.
  • 1425 BCE


    Main Character: Moses, Levites, and the people of Israel. Main Themes:
    1. Law
    2. Sacrifice-atonement
    3. Holiness Proper worship (inside the Tabernacle)
    Right living (outside the tabernacle) Offerings acceptable to God: Burnt, Cereal, Peace, Sin, and Guilt Offering. Who were the Levites? They were descendants of Levi, one of the 12 sons of Jacob, Aaron, and his family, who was chosen to be a loyal priest.
  • 1415 BCE


    Main Character: Themes in Numbers: 1. Faith and Obedience 2. Rebellion and Punishment 3. God's Faithfulness
  • 1406 BCE


    Main character: Moses Three main speeches by Moses:
    1) Historical review
    2) Covenant stipulations
    3) Blessings & curses - life & death Main Themes: No Idolatry, Driving out nations, covenant, Deuteronomy Theology. The Ten Commandments that God wrote for the people of Israel to follow. 5th book of the Pentateuch
  • 1395 BCE


    Main characters: Joshua, The Israelites, and Yahweh. Themes:
    1. Transition of leadership (from Moses to Joshua)
    After Moses' death, Joshua took reign as leader.
    2. Conquest and division of Canaan (holy war)
    3. Inheritance
    4. God's faithfulness to His promises 3 Main Sections of Numbers:
    1. at Mount Sinai
    2. In the Desert
    3. Plains of Moab Conquest-3rd Epochs
  • 1380 BCE


    Main characters: Joshua, the (12) judges
    - Joshua - faith and obedience
    - Judges - rebellion and punishment
    - Authorship - anonymous, tradition Samuel
    - Probably about the early monarch
    - Interesting stories
    Cycles in the Book: Sin -> War as judgment (oppression) -> Repentance (crying out) -> Deliverance (rescue)
    Cycles of Judges:
    - Judges, not just legal experts, but all-around leaders. There were major and minor judges. Judges part of the 3rd Epochs
  • 1275 BCE


    Main characters: Naomi (Ruth's mother-in-law), Ruth (Naomi's daughter-in-law; Moabite widow; soon-to-be wife of Boaz), and Boaz (wealthy relative of Naomi's late husband from Bethlehem; soon-to-be husband of Ruth)
    Main Events: Ruth faithfully followed Naomi back to Bethlehem; Ruth worked for Boaz on his threshing floor; Boaz married Ruth, giving her a son (Boaz is three generations before David)
    Main themes: Covenant faithfulness, faithfulness by contrast, sovereign faithfulness, David
  • 1120 BCE

    1 Samuel-Transitions

    Main Characters:
    1. Samuel, last of Judges
    2. Saul was the first king of the Israel people, but he was disobedient.
    3. Jonathan contrasts with his father, Saul (generous), a faithful friend to David.
    4. David is a man after God's own heart. King of Israel after Saul's death. Organization of 1 Samuel: Transition to Monarchy and David's Rise and Saul's Decline Key Themes:
    Deuteronomistic Theology
    Contrast Faithfulness Monarchy/Divided Kingdom 4th Epoch
  • 1011 BCE

    2 Samuel-David

    Main Characters: David
    Organization: David's rise to power in Judah reigned over all of Israel.
    4 Blessings of God's covenant with David
    A secure dwelling for Israel forever
    Solomon to build God's Temple
    Establish a father-son relationship with David's descendants.
    Loving-Kindness would not depart from David's line Main Themes:
    David's Rise to Kingship in Israel
    David selects Jerusalem as his capital
    God makes a covenant with David
    David's sin and its consequences Exile-Return 5th Epochs