Period: 3700 BCE to 500 BCE
Bronze Age
Period: 2167 BCE to 1991 BCE
Father Abra(ha)m
2066 BCE
Isaac is born/Abrahamic Covenant is fulfilled
Period: 2040 BCE to 1782 BCE
Egyptian Middle Kingdom
Period: 1550 BCE to 1400 BCE
Late Bronze Age I
1446 BCE
Period: 1380 BCE to 1050 BCE
The book of Ruth
1370 BCE
The first Judge Othniel
Period: 1200 BCE to 1000 BCE
Iron Age I
1100 BCE
Samson defeats the Philistines
1050 BCE
Saul became king
1050 BCE
The book of Judges is written
1018 BCE
Samuel annointed David
1010 BCE
David's reign begins
Period: 1000 BCE to 550 BCE
Iron Age II
990 BCE
David and Bathsheba
930 BCE
The kingdom divides into Israel and Judah
792 BCE
Uzziah became king of Judah
755 BCE
Isaiah becomes prophet to Judah
755 BCE
Amos becomes a prophet of God
729 BCE
Hezekiah became king of Judah
722 BCE
Assyria conquers Israel
640 BCE
Josiah became king of Judah
626 BCE
Jeremiah is called to be a prophet of God
612 BCE
Assyrian city Nineveh falls to Babylon
609 BCE
Assyrian Empire destroyed
605 BCE
Daniel is taken captive
605 BCE
Nebuchadnezzar begins reign in Babylon
603 BCE
Daniel interprets Belshezzar's dream
597 BCE
Ezekiel deported to Babylon
Period: 593 BCE to 571 BCE
Ezekiel's Prophetic Ministry
586 BCE
Babylonians destroy Jerusalem
585 BCE
Jeremiah is taken to Egypt
580 BCE
Shadrach, Meshach, Benny, and the fiery furnace
550 BCE
Iron Age III
539 BCE
Babylon falls to Cyrus of Persia
537 BCE
Daniel and the lions' den
Period: 521 BCE to 486 BCE
Darius I reigns in Persia
520 BCE
Haggai and Zechariah begin to prophesy
494 BCE
Nehemiah leads a group of returnees
Period: 485 BCE to 465 BCE
Ahasuerus (Xerxes I) reigns in Persia
Period: 464 BCE to 424 BCE
Artaxerxes Longimanus reigns in Persia
458 BCE
Ezra leads a group of returnees
Abraham called to Canaan