Oklahoma History

By fenni5K
  • Jan 1, 1541

    Search For The Golden City

    Search For The Golden City
    Francisco Vasquez De Coronado crosses western Oklahoma to search for the golden city, Quivira.Hernando De Soto explores the present, east border of oklahoma.
  • The indian Reprovel

    The indian Reprovel
    The indian reprovel is passed. Choctawa ceded Mississippi and was prepared to move to Oklahoma.
  • The First Incorperated Town

    The First Incorperated Town
    Tahlequah was incorporated under the Cherokee law - the first incorporated town in Oklahoma.
  • Battle of honey springs

    Battle of honey springs
    Union forces defeat the Confederets at Honey Springs, the most important battle fough in Oklahoma during the Civil War.
  • First Telephone

    First Telephone
    First telephone in Oklahoma was set up, connecting Fort Reno To Fort Sill.
  • The First Federal Court

    The First Federal Court
    The first federal court was built in Muskogee. Oklahomas first oil well that produced oil was drilled.
  • The 46th State

    The 46th State
    Oklahoma was admitted to the union, the 46th state. The first election reveals democratic majority