Oil wells are drilled in China up to 800 feet deep using bits attached to bamboo poles. -
Jan 27, 1264
Marco Polo
Mining of seep oil in medieval Persia witnessed by Marco Polo on his travels through Baku. -
Jan 27, 1500
Street Lamps
Seep oil collected in the Carpathian Mountains of Poland is used to light street lamps. -
Hand Digging
Oil wells are hand dug at Baku, Persia up to 35 meters (115 feet) deep. -
Oil Sands
OIl sands are mined and the oil extraceted at Pechelbronn field in Alsace, France -
The Brothers
A 58-ft well it dilled using a spring pole in the Kanawha Valley of West Virginia by the brothers David and Joseph Rufner to produce brine. The well takes 18 months to dril. -
Oil is produced in United States as an undesirable by-product from brinee wells in Pennsylvania -
First oil wells in Europe are drilled 30- to 5- metres deep in Bóbrka, Poland by Ignacy Lukasiewicz -
Modern Oil well
First modern oil well is drilled in Asia on te Aspheron Peninsula north-east of Baku, by Russian engineer F.N. Semyenov. -
Distillation of kerosene from oil by Canadian geologist Dr. Abraham Gesner. Kerosene eventually replaces wale oil as the illuminant of choice and creates a new market for crude oil. -
General Andreas Pico
Oil from hand-dug pits in Californai at Los Angeles is distelled to produce lamp oil by General Andres Pico -
The Courthouse
Natural Gas from a water well in Stockton,California is used to light the Stockton courthouse. -
Michael Dietz
Michael Dietz invents a kerosene lamp that forces whale oil lamps off the market -
First oil well in North America is drilled in Ontario, Canada. -
Colonel Edwin Drake
First oil well in United States is drilled 69 feet deep at Titusville, Pennsylvania by Colonel Edwin Drake