Oil history Timeline

  • Edwin L. Drake

    Edwin L. Drake
    Pierced the world's first oil well
  • First law of the oil

    First law of the oil
    The Mexican government promoted conditions that favored foreign investments.
  • The pit of Dos Bocas

    The pit of Dos Bocas
    Sprouts out of control with an unprecedented force of 100,000 barrels a day. Although a fire almost finished with all its production, this well definitively demonstrated the oil wealth of the country
  • Export of oil

    Export of oil
    The boom in production has repercussions on the expansion of Doheny and Pearson companies. Mexican oil exports to the United States, Europe and Latin America begin.
  • oil companies

    oil companies
    A growing number of oil companies, including La Corona Oil Company, Transcontinental Oil Company, Penn Mex Fuel Company and Mexican Gulf Oil Company
  • State-owned Petrochemical Company of Mexico

    State-owned Petrochemical Company of Mexico
    In order to produce anhydrous ammonia, distribute and apply fertilizers.
  • Period: to

    New discoveries

    New discoveries of oil and gas in the producing areas of Tampico, Reynosa and Poza Rica.
  • Organic Law of Petróleos Mexicanos and PEMEX

    Organic Law of Petróleos Mexicanos and PEMEX
    It provides for the creation of four decentralized subsidiary bodies and establishes the basic guidelines for defining the attributions of Petróleos Mexicanos.
  • Exploration and Production of pemex

    Exploration and Production of pemex
    Achieved crude output of 1 043 million barrels, "the highest volume in the history of Petróleos Mexicanos." Of this amount 74.6% corresponded to the marine regions of the northwest and southeast.
  • Period: to

    Pemex resources

    PEMEX did not have sufficient funds for comprehensive modernization or costly exploration of new fields with development potential
  • Increase production

    Increase production
    The annual production of crude oil in Mexico increased to 1 237 million barrels, highlighting in this area the field of the Cantarell complex.