
  • Answering Machiene

  • Turn dial phone

    Turn dial phone
  • VHS

  • TypeWritter

  • Floppy Disk

    Floppy Disk
  • RemoteControl

  • Walk Man

  • Boom Box

  • Phonebook

    Back to the days when you had to look someones number up and pull out the phone book to do it.
  • Film Cameras

    When you couldn't see what the picture looked like until you got it developed.
  • 1stApple computuer

    1stApple computuer
    We had one of the first computers in the neighborhood because of my dads job.I remember getting to play games on it.
  • Atari

    My parents still had the Atari game system from when they were kids, somenights we would beg them to play. We never had any other game consols in our house until 2007, my brother got a ps3.
  • Lap Top

    My dad got the first laptop in the house for work. I remember thinking he was so important.
  • Dial upinternet

    We had internet at our house because of my dad's job. I remeber listening to it dial for hours!!!
  • palm pilot

    My dad gave me his old palm pilot, I remember taking it to school and now I laugh that I used it.
  • CD'S

    My first CD was Savage Garden, I can still remember the day my mom gave it to me.
  • Computer

  • Encylopedias

    Looking up stuff in books....do kids do that still?
  • Call Waiting

    Remember when you had to wait for someone to get off the phone so you could talk to them, there was not call waiting or paying 75 cents to have the phone call you back.
  • MP3 player

    MP3  player
    MP3 players, they were good but man I am glad technology has changed.
  • Email

    first email account was for a school project. I still remember the email address and password.
  • XBOX

    We got an x-box for christmas.
  • ipod

    I got my first Ipod later than probably everyone, I wasn't ready to admit how cool they were.
  • PS3

  • Facebook

    The new cool thing, no one had Myspace accounts after Facebook came along.
  • Smart Phone

  • iphone

    I got my first I phone later than everyone else. Technology has always amazed me.
  • Wii

    We got the Wii as a family thing to play when we all were together. We liked how interactive it was.
  • Pintrest

  • iPAD

  • Icloud

    Still makes me laugh when my grandma asks how to get stuff out of the clouds!It makes me nervous with how much information is stored.
  • MySpace