Official Power and Countervailing Powers

  • Nov 25, 1500

    First Occupants

    First Occupants
    The Iroquois's society was a Matriarchy; meaning that leadership and decision making was the responsibility of women. As for the , Algonquians, their society was a Patriarchy; the father played vital leadership role and was more or less in charge.
  • French Regime (1)

    French Regime (1)
    The French: Hurons-basically Iroquois, are the primary group to trade with the French. They fought against the Iroquois over control of the fur trade territory & lost. English: (Iroquois), allies with the British & fought against the French/Hurons for control over the fur trade.
  • French Regime (2)

    French Regime (2)
    The native allies of the French are destroyed by the Iroquios, the French were forced to go out and collect furs deeper into the forest. The coureurs des bois are formed, they are French settlers who travel deep into the forest, lived with the natives much of the year, and traded with the Amerindians
  • Power relations between the Church and the State

    Power relations between the Church and the State
    Church is involved in political decisions because of the Sovereign Council. Priests were in charge of parishes, working as missionaries and Nuns are working in hospitals.The King assumes power (Divine Right of kings). Under the old system the companies who held a monopoly were almost destroying New France. The king ended the monopoly and placed New France under the Minister of Marine who at the time was Jean-Baptiste Colbert. He and Louis decided to implement Royal Government in 1663.
  • Royal Government

    Royal Government
    Governor-highest rank, in charge of the army, dealt with external affairs, has veto power. Intendant-most influential, chief administrator, controlled budget (taxes, justice), built roads, set up industries, decides what get spent. Bishop-administered over Parish Priests, hospitals, schools, charities. Head of catholic religion. Collects money, controls religion. Not on the Council but still had power was the Captain of Militia-dealt with issues on seigneuries, (the Militia army)
  • The Great Peace of Montreal

    The Great Peace of Montreal
    The Great Peace of Montreal was a peace treaty between New France and 40 First Nations of North America. It was signed on August 4, 1701, by Louis-Hector de Callière, the governor of New France, and 1300 representatives of 40 aboriginal nations. The French, allied to the Hurons and the Algonquians, provided 16 years of peaceful relations and trade before war started again.
  • Life in New France

    Life in New France
    Settlers had happy lives but it was work. Everyday work; caring for crops, making clothes, fixing tools, preparing for winter.New France wasn't developing, so settlers became self-dependent (took care of themselves). Life differed from France; you had the very rich and massive numbers of poor/starving people. In New France the people were very autonomous and by 1760 grew to become a distinct set of people called Canadien. These distinct people would remain here after the British Conquest.
  • British Rule

    British Rule
    Although the French had won a small battle at Sainte-Foy in the spring major conflict ended in New France with the fall of Quebec, the French troops waited out the winter in Montreal, then in September, a document was signed giving the terms under which the French would surrender. This document was called the Articles of Capitulation. These are the rules that Britain put in place after the plains of Abraham.
  • Articles of Capitulation

    Articles of Capitulation
    1. The French Militia could return home, no one would lose their property
    2. The French Regular military would lay down their arms and leave.
    3. The people could practice the R.C. religion, but the Bishop would have to leave.
    4. The people who stayed would become British Subjects. Only the Elite left because they could afford to do so.The fate of the colony was still undecided and so the colony waited under British Military Rule of James Murray, until the war in Europe would end.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The war ends, and the Treaty of Paris is signed between Great Britain and the United States. All the Territory known as New France is given to the King of England except two small Islands: St.Pierre and Miquelon.
  • Royal Proclamation (1)

    Royal Proclamation (1)
    Constitution put in place to control French British subjects and try to change them to be more British. Goal was to control & assimilate the French in Quebec, Brought them together as to watch over them, and took many of their rights away so as to force them to become more English. No new French speaking people were coming in but many English were. Most of the British who came are rich merchants (fill the place of the French Elite who left). The first Governor of this new colony: James Murray.
  • Royal Proclamation (2)

    Royal Proclamation (2)
    1. Gives the King’s new colony a name: The Province of Quebec
    2. Decreases the borders to just around the St-Lawrence river valley.
    3. Put in place a civilian Government to run the new colony: King appointed a Governor who then appointed members of an Executive Council to advise him.
    4. English Criminal and Civil laws were applied.
    5. Unused land would be divided by the Township System
    6. No new Bishop would be allowed
    7. No Roman Catholics could hold public office (Test Act)
  • Difficulties of the first Governors

    Difficulties of the first Governors
    James Murray found that the Royal Proclamation unworkable, only 1% of the population of Quebec was Eng/Protestant. He bent the rules; allowing French laws in the lower courts & did not call an elected assembly (it would favor English Merchants). English Merchants were apposed to these policies & ordered a new Governor from the King: Guy Carleton. He kept the same tolerant polices as Murray. He wanted the loyalty of the French in Quebec, as the Americans were starting to demand their Independence
  • New Province of Quebec (1)

    New Province of Quebec (1)
    The 13 colonies were unhappy; they fought to gain control of the Ohio Valley however it was denied to them. British merchants who came to Quebec were unhappy; they wanted to have power through an elected assembly similar to those in the 13 colonies, & they expected the colony to favor English interests.The Canadians were fearful of the Proclamation because of the changes it brought; didn’t like the new boundary. Also, scared of possible elected assembly & the lack of guarantees to their religion
  • The States

    The States
    Until 1763 the Americans needed British protection from the French.
    They wanted Western Expansion into the Ohio Valley. Britain was unhappy with the 13 colonies; didn't give enough in war. Some Americans had also been trading with the French, therefore
    Britain wanted to place strict control on trade & taxes. In the American War of Independence; Americans win. The Loyalists move north to the only British colony left in North America
  • New Province of Quebec (2)

    New Province of Quebec (2)
    The French were lucky to have Murray, however the British merchants were tired of his policies, so he was recalled in 1766. Guy Carleton has the same attitude as the first Governor. He thought to make them happy, and he could also gain their loyalty (Because of the Americans). Leading to the creation of the Quebec Act 1774 (gain French loyalty)
  • Quebec Act

    Quebec Act
    The Quebec Act:
    -Guarantees French Canadian loyalty
    -Enlarges the area of Quebec
    -No more elected assembly
    -Appointed council (minimum of 17 members)
    -French civil laws were instated, tithe and seigniorial system are back
    -Test Act Oath Test Oath of Allegiance (if you swear to king you’re loyal; you could hold office)
    These factors made the Americans very upset
  • Loyalists

    A large amount of English people come to live in a colony dominated by French people; Loyalists.
    Effects of the Loyalists:
    -The English population of Quebec had a sudden increase (1%-10%)
    -They settled according to the Township system
    -They gave their settlements English names
    -The Loyalists were used to English civil laws
    -They were used to having elected assemblies
    -Started writing petitions to London for change
    -After years of complaining they finally got what they wanted
  • Government of 1791

    Government of 1791
    Governor-appointed by parliament, in charge of administration, called assemblies into session. Had veto power
    Executive Council-appointed by Governor, advised Governor,
    Legislative Council-appointed, approve or reject laws form the assembly
    Legislative Assembly-Had the power to approve or disapprove taxes, they had the right to create laws. Ordinary people had a say of government for the first time
    First time people were able to vote and be represented in Canada
  • Constitutional Act

    Constitutional Act
    The Province of Quebec was split in two parts: Upper Canada (because it was up river) and Lower Canada (it was down river). Lower Canada was almost entirely French, whereas Upper Canada was entirely English. The Ottawa River would be the boundary between them. In Lower Canada, the French kept their religion, civil laws, and people could work in the admin. In Upper Canada, the Protestants would use the township system and English Civil laws.
  • Faults in Representative Government

    Faults in Representative Government
    Legislative Assembly had the power to make laws, but whenever they tried to do so they were shut down because the Governor and his Council had veto power.
    -The wealthy governors & council members thought about investing money in big business+tax property
    -The legislative assembly wanted to tax goods, not property and didn’t want to invest in such large projects that wouldn’t benefit them
    In Lower Canada; the legislative assembly was French and there were constant issues over language.
  • 92 Resolutions

    92 Resolutions
    The leader of the Patriotes was Louis Joseph Papineau. In 1834, he wrote 92 Resolutions (a list of the assemblies demands) their main demand was for Responsible Government (the members of the councils to be selected from the elected assembly) and the government made up by the people would be responsible for its decisions. This document was sent to the British Government. Lord John Russell responded with the 10 Resolutions; solutions which didn’t even solve any of the Patriotes main demands.
  • Patriotes

    The Constitutional act had established representative government but those who could be elected held no real power, making a lot of people frustrated. In the 1830’s two group were formed"
    British Party: Controlled the councils, spent money on public works.
    Parti Canadian (Parti Patriote): Controlled the assembly, power over taxes. Both groups were so different, that no negotiations could occur. The Patriotes began speaking of a violent uprising as a solution; a rebellion.
  • 10 Resolutions

    10 Resolutions
    Rebellions broke out in both Upper and Lower Canada. Upper Canada’s Rebellion was lead by William Lyon Mackenzie and quickly put down. Lower Canada’s Rebellion was lead by Louis Joseph Papineau and after several battles St-Charles, St-Denis, St-Eustache the rebellion was put down. The Patriotes are supported by the clergy but they don’t have enough support outside Montreal and fail. They were poorly organized. and equip. In the end, 12 Patriotes were hanged outside Montreal’s prison as a symbol.
  • Lord Durham’s Recommendations

    Lord Durham’s Recommendations
    -Britain should increase immigration in order to assimilate the French.
    -The two Canada’s should be united (eng. now have majority)
    -Responsible Government should be granted to eliminate veto power.
    These ideas were first rejected by the British Parliament until the Act of Union
  • Act of Union

    Act of Union
    -Creates the Prov. of Canada consisting of Canada East and West (former upper and lower Canada)
    -Canada East and West each had 42 members to its assembly
    -Governor still has control and veto power
    -Canada East and West would equally pay for Canada’s debts
  • The Charlottetown Conference

    The Charlottetown Conference
    In September of 1864, the leaders of Canada East and West meet with the leaders of three Maritime Provinces (NB,NS,PEI), they left the meetings agreeing to consider a merger
  • The Quebec Conference

    The Quebec Conference
    In October of 1864, the same members of the Charlottetown Conference got together. They agreed on 72 resolutions that would make the merger possible:
    -A federal system
    -24 seats to each colony
    -Assembly elected by “rep by pop”
    -Build a railway between colonies
    The people weren’t so accepting of what their politicians were moving towards.
    -Nfld, and PEI withdrew
    -Dorion’s Parti Rouge opposed the federation
    -The assembly of the Canada’s passed confederation
  • The London Conference

    The London Conference
    In 1867, the leaders of the 4 colonies meet to make arrangement to release from the British Empire to become a new “self-governing” colony. Its capital Ottawa, was created under the British North America Act, came into existence in Canada on July 1st 1867. It contained 4 Provinces: Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia). Being a Federal Government, the Federal Governement had certain responsibilities; as did the Provinces.
  • Power relations between linguistic groups+ nationalist movements and the state

    Power relations between linguistic groups+ nationalist movements and the state
    Dominance of English in business and politics & protection of the English minority in Quebec in the constitution is present since 1867.
    Quebecers are upset that they're not getting paid equal amounts as the English, & don’t have the same job opportunities. People living in Quebec would feel proud of all these recent achievements, nationalists sentiments developed & a movement towards Quebec independence gains momentum. Quebec nationalists advocating sovereignty or independence for Quebec.
  • Power relations between union movements and the state

    Power relations between union movements and the state
    First strikes & partial legalization of unions start in 1872. Royal Commission on the relations between capital and labour. Union demands regarding health & safety and laws, for the protection of children, union struggle to ensure minimum salary to workers, women, elders.
    Anti-Labour Laws: Padlock Law (1937), right to strike, use of police against the strikers
    1944: Adoption of the Labour Relations Act, 1964 Labour Code recognizes the right to strike to all workers
    1972: Strike of united front
  • The Roman Catholic Church

    The Roman Catholic Church
    The Church continued to control education, hospitals, orphanages, and welfare services. It was also influential in government, unions and the caisses populaires. The Church continued to promote large families, rural life, and Christian values. The Church had an old mentality, holding Quebec back from the rest of the world. American business interests increase.
  • Maurice Duplessis

    Maurice Duplessis
    The government led by Maurice Duplessis 
continued to believe that the state should 
not intervene in the social or economic 
sectors. Consequently, its role was basically a supporting one which consisted of offering subsidies to the Church and favourable  
conditions for investment purposes. He founded the Union National party and was premier of Quebec. During his time, he defended provincial 
autonomy and had numerous battles with Ottawa over federal initiatives in provincial jurisdictions
  • Power relations between feminist movements and the state

    Power relations between feminist movements and the state
    Foundation of the National Council of Women (1893); actions of the suffragettes.
    1961: Electing the first woman to the Legislative Assembly of Quebec (Marie-Claire Kirland-Casgrain)
    1964: Ended the legal incapacity of married women
    1965: Foundation of the Federation des femmes du Quebec (revised Civil Code, establishment of maternity leave, decriminalization of abortion, equality of men and women)
    1996: Law on pay equity is adopted
  • Union leaders

    Union leaders
    Union leaders accuse Maurice Duplessis of opposing social progress and of serving American interests rather than the interests of Quebec workers. Throughout this period, there were numerous strikes in Quebec. During the Asbestos strike of 1949, even Church officials such as Bishop Charbonneau supported the strikers.
  • Intellectuals and Journalists

    Intellectuals and Journalists
    Intellectuals such as Pierre Elliott Trudeau and René Lévesque opposed the Duplessis government and attacked the conservative nature of Quebec society in newspapers, magazine articles and television programs.
  • Power relations between the media and the state

    Power relations between the media and the state
    In the 19th century, control of newspapers by political parties (propaganda). In the early 20th century, dissemination of political views by newspapers (example: Le Devoir). In the 20th century, dissemination of mass information through radio and television: influences on public opinion, politicians used media for their image and to promote their parties. The media is for many the 4th power.
  • Conscription

    WW1 and WW2 - Conscription
    WW1: Ran out of soldiers—placement of conscription. The French didn’t think it was their war, so they didn’t think it was fair to force the French into the army
    WW2: Soldiers never actually saw the battlefield. Canada entered on "our war". Lost some soldiers too, so the government had to place conscription. Closest they came to the battlefield, was getting on a boat to come to Europe. Quebecers didn’t want to join because they didn’t think it was their war ( both wars)
  • Power relations between movements for social justice and the state

    Power relations between movements for social justice and the state
    The early 20th century, involves the associated with communism, union movements and feminism. In 1930, the depression brings about the creation of many charity groups and aid organizations.
    The pressure they exert on the government contributes to adoption of laws and different measures intended to protect the average citizen (Commission des normes du travail, Régie du Logement).
  • The Quiet Revolution (1)

    The Quiet Revolution (1)
    The Quiet Revolution began in Quebec, in 1960 with the electoral defeat of the Union Nationale by Jean Lesage and his Liberal Party. It can be best described as a rapid and far-reaching process of social, economic, and political reform in Quebec from the early to the late 1960s.
  • The Quiet Revolution (2)

    The Quiet Revolution (2)
    Greatly increasing the role of the state of Quebec's social & economic development, the Quebec government becomes the main force behind it. Parent committee, free public school till 16, MEQ; created to modernize Quebec's educational system. Quebec is in a period of modernization; jobs moved away from rural or hard labour, more intellectuals, university trained specialists. Union membership doubled, as commissions were established to promote industries like steel, mining, etc.
  • Power relations between environmentalist groups and the state

    Power relations between environmentalist groups and the state
    Since 1970, pressure from environmental groups (measures and laws to protect the environment) & their impact on the population by the media, influences public policy. In, 1970, the Ministry of Environment Quebec is created. In 2002, is the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol by Canada. Environmental movements present in Quebec today are: Greenpeace, the Green Party, l’Action Boréale
  • Quebec Nationalism

    Quebec Nationalism
    Language issue was big in Quebec politics & several pieces of legislation were passed: official language act, Bill 22 , Bill 101 – French lang is the priority. Only French signs were allowed in public spaces, only children with English speaking parents educated in Quebec can go to English schools. English fought back with Bill 178 and Bill 86. Today, the struggle of Quebec remaining in Canada continues with two parties; Federalists (Quebec to stay) or separatists (Quebec to be independent)
  • The Oka crisis

    The Oka crisis
    In 1990 Mohawk warriors established road blocks on the borders to their reserves in Oka just outside Montreal, when a golf course wanted to expand its 9 holes onto native land. The natives militarily organized themselves and the Canadian Forces were called in to handle the situation. The stand-off finally came to an end 78 days later, with no armed conflict, but the issues remained. The Charlottetown Accord was created to deal with these issues.