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Odyssey Timeline

  • Troy

    Odysseus travels here for the Trojan war, invented the Trojan horse, helped them win the war. At Troy for 10 years, and then starts on his journey back to Ithaca.
  • Ismarus

    Odysseus meets cicones, who are enemies of him, and allies of Trojans. The ciconian army kills 72 of Odysseus' men. Before they can continue, a storm delays them 2 days.
  • Island of the Lotus Eaters

    Island of the Lotus Eaters
    They reach the coast of the Lotus Eaters island. Odysseus ties the men to his boat, so that they wouldnt eat the lotus flower, and lose their hope of home. They then continued their journey.
  • Aeolus

    Odysseus and his men land here, the island of the wind king and stay one month. The king gives Odysseus and his men a bag of stormy wind to help make their journey home faster. But Odysseus' men think it's gold and open it accidentally in the wrong direction and it blew them all the way back to the wind king's Island.
  • Ithaca (scheria)

    Ithaca (scheria)
    Odysseus is begged by king Alcinous to tell everyone at a dinner party all about Odysseus' journey and all about himself.
  • Cyclops

    Odysseus and his men land across from the island of the cyclops, and then decide to cross over to the island to see if the cyclops are friends or foes. The cyclops are foes, so they get him drunk with wine, stab him in the eye, escape under the cyclops' sheep, and the cyclops curses Odysseus by asking his father Poseidon to avenge him. Poseidon indeed curses Odysseus, and makes his journey home extremely difficult.
  • Laestrygones

    Odysseus and His men land here after Aeolus. The Laestrygones are fierce cannibals who bummbard Odysseus' ship with boulders. Only Odysseus, his ship, and crew of fourty-five surrvived the shower of boulders. They then set sail to Aeaea.
  • Aeaea

    Odysseus and his crew reach the land of the witch Circe (Aeaea). Circe gives Odysseus' men poisson and then turns them into pigs.Odysseus goes to save his men and after a year of holding Odysseus and his men captive, Circe finally lets them go to the land of the dead, where she orders Odysseus to speek to a profit, the ghost of Tiresias.
  • Land of the Dead

    Land of the Dead
    Odysseus speeks to the profit, and the profit tells him that he will have to leave Ithaca again once he finally arives. Odysseus then talks to the ghost of his mother and then returns to Circe's Island.
  • Aeaea

    Once Odysseus and his men return to Circe, Circe pulls Odysseus aside while his men are sleeping to ask him about the underworld and give him advice. Odysseus and his men then set sell for Ithaca.
  • The Sirens

    The Sirens
    Odysseus puts wax in his mens ears so that the singing of the sirens won't effect them. He then has his men tie him to the boat because he is curious to hear the sirens sing, but dosn't want to lose his hope of home.
  • Scylla and Charybdis

    Scylla and Charybdis
    The Scylla is a six headed monster dog that eats six of Odysseus' best men. On the opposite side of Scylla is the monster Charybdis, also known as a giant whirlpool. To steer clear of the whirlpool, Odysseus has no other choice but to sacrifce his men. The surviving men and Odysseus continue their journey to Ithaca.
  • Thrinacia

    Thrinacia, the island of the sun god Helios is where Odysseus and his men land. Despite the warnings from the profit and Circe, Odysseus' men eat some of the abundant cattle. This angers the sun god and to punish the men Zeus sends a lightning bolt down that strikes Odysseus' boat, killing everyone except odysseus and sinking Odysseus' ship. Odysseus then floats to Calypso's Island.
  • Ogygia

    Home of Calypso the sweet nymph. Odysseus gets held captive here by Calypso for seven years. Until Zeus send Hermes to set Odysseus free. Hermes also orders Calypso to give Odysseus advice on how to get home safely. Odysseus sails for seventeen days and then is pummeled by a storm for three more days until Odysseus finally makes it ashore Scheria.
  • Scheria

    Odysseus lands on Scheria, the Island of king Alcinous. Rests under bushes until the next day to preserve his energy. King Alcinous provides him a boat and rowers for his journey home to Ithaca.
  • Ithaca

    Odysseus arrives to his homeland but does not recognize it until Athena appears and tells him he has arrived.