Odysseus 240x209


  • 1200 BCE

    Book 1

    Book 1
    Odysseus has been gone 10 years
  • 1200 BCE

    Book 1

    Book 1
    Odysseus' is wondering by himself and hermes and athena were sent out to help him.
  • 1199 BCE

    Book 5

    Book 5
    Odysseus' has help from Calypso, and they build a raft to set to sea. He sails for 17 days, and after their 3 days of storms, he finally swims to the island.
  • 1198 BCE

    Book 9

    Book 9
    After wondering the sea for nine days, Odysseus and his crew came across the Lotus Eaters.
  • 1198 BCE

    Book 9

    Book 9
    Laertes son is keeping Odysseus captive, and is convincing him that he won't keep him for long.
  • 1198 BCE

    Book 9

    Book 9
    The cyclops ate two of Odysseus' men. He chopped, dismembered, spattered, and beat them.
  • 1198 BCE

    Book 9

    Book 9
    Odysseus is trying to find new men to replace the two that have been killed. He got the strongest four to make a plan to stap the cyclops eye out.
  • 1198 BCE

    Book 9

    Book 9
    Odysseus is trying to get the cyclops drunk, soi it will be easier to stab out its eye.
  • 1198 BCE

    Book 9

    Book 9
    Since the cyclops was so drunk, it was a great time to stab his eye and make him blind. So, he picked up the spear and stabbed his eye.
  • 1198 BCE

    Book 9

    Book 9
    Poseidon has to lay in a bed given to him by Zeus because he is blind.
  • 1197 BCE

    Book 10

    Book 10
    Odysseus fell in love with Circe and stayed for a year.
  • 1197 BCE

    Book 10

    Book 10
    Odysseus led his crew to the island of cannibals.
  • 1196 BCE

    Book 11

    Book 11
    Odysseus arrived at the land of the dead.
  • 1196 BCE

    Book 11

    Book 11
    He meets many people their. He is also given information about the land.
  • 1195 BCE

    Book 12

    Book 12
    Circe describes Scylla to Odysseus
  • 1195 BCE

    Book 12

    Book 12
    Circe explainds to Odysseus that Scylla can't be defeated.
  • 1195 BCE

    Book 12

    Book 12
    Circe discusses the underworld with Odysseus.