Tudor rose

OCR A-level History: the Tudors

By omiddle
  • 1485

    Truce with France

    Truce with France
  • Aug 22, 1485

    Henry VII comes to the throne

    Henry VII comes to the throne
  • 1486

    Henry VII marries Elizabeth of York

    Henry VII marries Elizabeth of York
  • 1486

    Lovell's rebellion

    Lovell's rebellion
    the viscount who was a supporter of Richard III following the battle of Bosworth flee to sanctuary in a church in Colchester in 1486 they emerge from sanctuary and form troops against Henry VII but are defeated Lovell himself flees to Flanders
  • 1486

    Arthur, prince of Wales, is born

    Arthur, prince of Wales, is born
  • 1486

    Truce with Scotland

    Truce with Scotland
  • 1487

    Truce with the HRE

    Truce with the HRE
  • Jun 16, 1487

    Battle of Stoke

    Battle of Stoke
    with the support of the earl of Kildare, John de la Pole and Margaret of Burgundy, the pretender Lambert Simnel heads into battle against Henry VII he is defeated. John de la Pole is killed.
  • 1488

    Breton army defeated by the French

    this starts the Breton crisis
  • 1489

    Treaty of Medina del Campo

    Treaty of Medina del Campo
    negotiated with Ferdinand of Aragon
    shows that international leaders recognise Henry as the rightful King
    organises the marriage between Arthur, Prince of Wales and Catherine of Aragon
  • 1489

    Yorkshire rebellion

    Yorkshire rebellion
    after Henry uses parliament to raise $100,000 external revenue in his campaign to Brittany to defend it from Charles VIII of France, people in Yorkshire held a rebellion as they didn't see it as applicable to them as they're up north and therefore didn't want to pay
  • 1489

    6000-8000 troops cross the channel to Brittany

    this is following Henry VII's raising of $100,000 from parliament in extraordinary revenue to fund the endeavour
  • 1491

    Henry VII attempts to arrest Perkin Warbeck

    Henry VII attempts to arrest Perkin Warbeck
    he does so in Ireland when Warbeck was under the protection of the Earl of Kildare Warbeck feels vulnerable and so flees to France
  • 1492

    Treaty of Etaples

    Charles VIII and Henry VII make peace through the treaty bringing an end to Henry's troops in Brittany they agree that Charles will stop supporting pretenders and Henry will withdraw his troops from Brittany Henry VII is only mildly successful in defending England from foreign encirclement and stopping Charles VIII from taking Brittany. Charles still marries the Duke of Brittany's daughter and thus gets inheritance to the territory.
  • 1493

    Trade embargo with Burgundy

    Burgundy was England's main trading partner for cloth but following worsening relations there was a trade embargo in this year due to Margaret of Burgundy
  • 1495

    Sir William Stanley is executed

    Sir William Stanley is executed
    after being Chief Gentlemen of Henry VII's privy chamber, Sir William Stanley is executed for treason after being discovered in supporting the pretender Perkin Warbeck.
  • 1495

    Warbeck tries to land in Kent

    Warbeck tries to land in Kent
    he doesn't get any support there so instead must travel to Scotland and get support from James IV
  • 1497

    James IV invades England

    James IV invades England
    he does so on Warbeck's behalf Warbeck is horrified by the actions of the Scottish troops and so gave up. He flees to Ireland once again where he pretty much gives himself up. James and Henry form a truce.
  • 1497

    Cornish rebellion

    Cornish rebellion
    in order to stop James IV from invading on behalf of Perkin Warbeck in the North from Scotland, Henry needed to raise external revenue. this led to a rebellion in Cornwall as they felt a battle so far away from them was not relevant and they should therefore not have to pay.
  • 1499

    Perkin Warbeck and the Earl of Warwick are killed

    Perkin Warbeck and the Earl of Warwick are killed
    Perkin Warbeck had been at Henry's court from 1497 to 1499. After he decided to run away he was put in the tower of London with the Earl of Warwick. Whether this is true or not, it was said that the two were conspiring together and were both executed for treason. The Earl of Warwick had been in there from the age of 10 and was killed at just 19... :(
  • 1502

    Arthur, Prince of Wales, dies

    Arthur, Prince of Wales, dies
    on his honeymoon with his new wife, he catches a sickness and dies.
  • Feb 11, 1503

    Elizabeth of York dies

    Elizabeth of York dies
    henry VII's wife dies in childbirth
  • Nov 23, 1503

    Margaret of Burgundy dies

    Margaret of Burgundy dies
  • 1506

    Lord Bergavenny is fined

    Lord Bergavenny is fined
    after having to many retainers, Lord Burgavenny is fined $5 for every retainer the total sum came to $70,550... a lot of money now but especially then however Henry suspended the fine under the conditions that Bergavenny would adhere to the rules
  • Apr 21, 1509

    Henry VII dies

    Henry VII dies
    RIP king