Oceanography Timeline

  • 450 BCE

    The Greeks in Mediterranean Sea

    The Greeks in Mediterranean Sea
    Greeks began to adventure outside the Mediterranean, past the Straits of Gibraltar at the western end of the Mediterranean Sea and noticed a rough current moving from North to South somewhat like a river. (navigation)
  • 1002

    The Vikings

    The Vikings
    Leif Ericson and the vikings venture westward and find Iceland, Greenland, and Newfoundland.
  • 1492

    Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue

    Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue
    Christopher Columbus became the first European explorer to sail west across the Atlantic Ocean and successfully return home. (navigation)
  • First Submarine

    First Submarine
    Cornelis Drebbel creates the world's first submarine which was made of wood with iron and leather. (military)
  • Benjamin Franklin Discovers the Gulf Stream

    Benjamin Franklin Discovers the Gulf Stream
    Benjamin Franklin was the first to explore the Gulf Stream, a fast current of warm surface water that sweeps up from Florida, along the East Coast, and then goes east across the North (scientific research)
  • The Voyage of the Beagle

    The Voyage of the Beagle
    Famous scientist, Charles Darwin, received an invitation to join the HMS Beagle to explore the Galapagos Islands.
  • Sir John Murray

    Sir John Murray
    Murray is considered the father of oceanography and began to collect living organisms and making a variety of oceanographic observations during an expedition to the Arctic islands of Jan Mayen and Spitsbergen. (scientific research)
  • Challenger Expedition

    Challenger Expedition
    The first expedition organized to get a big range of data including ocean temperatures, currents, marine life, and geology of the seafloor. Sir John Murray was also attended this expedition. (scientific research)
  • Woods Hole

    Woods Hole
    Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute is founded in Massachusetts which is largest oceanographic research facilities in the world. (scientific research)
  • The Trieste

    The Trieste
    Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh took the Trieste, a submarine, for a deep sea dive to explore the ocean's floor. This became the first dive to ever reach the deepest part of the ocean. (scientific research)