
oceanography timeline

  • Barometer

    the barometer was invented to tell mariners when big storms were coming (navigation)
  • First submarine

    First submarine
    During the Revolutionary war, the first submarine was used for warfare. (warfare/military)
  • Sea Life Discovery

    Sea Life Discovery
    By using dredging equipment, the H.M.S discovered sea life at 14,400 feet. (discovery/research)
  • The First Oceanographic Research Vessel

    The First Oceanographic Research Vessel
    The U.S Fisheries Commission steamer, Albatross, is the first ship built to serve as a research vessel (navigation/research)
  • Titanic

    The Titanic sinks after hitting an iceberg and killing 1,500 people with it. (major event)
  • Echo Sounder

    Echo Sounder
    the echo sounder was used to determine the depth of water by transmitting sound waves into water. (navigation)
  • Aqua Lung

    Aqua Lung
    The first underwater equipment which allowed a person to breathe in and out of a mouthpiece. There was a regulator that connects to tanks of compressed air which one can wear. (invention)
  • Deepest Ocean Point

    Deepest Ocean Point
    The H.M.S Challenger bounced sound waves off the ocean bottom and found the deepest point at 35,856 feet under (disovery/research)
  • TOPEX/Poseidon

    A satellite named TOPEX/Poseidon was launched into space to give us a better measure and insights of the ocean (research/invention)
  • Seabed 2030

    Seabed 2030
    An international scientific team announces that there is a plan of mapping all the ocean floors by 2030 (research)