Trawls (trade)
Nets in the back of the boat used to collect anything that gets caught in it. They could use that cargo to trade -
Photogrammetry (scientific research)
When 2D images are used to make 3D structure. Good for sea floors. -
Research Vessel (scientific research)
Albatross was the first research vessel built for oceanographic purposes -
Magnetometer (scientific research)
The Earth's magnetic field is measured. This is good for shipwreck and looking at the sea floor -
remotely operated underwater vehicle (scientific research0)
Good for exploring the seafloor without a person being down there. -
Mid-Atlantic RIdge (scientific research)
This was a big discovery because it shows evidence of continental drift theory. It is a continuous rift throughout the seafloor. -
Sputnik/Satellites (scientific research)
Sputnik was the first satellite to launch. It inspired many new explorations including space and larger masses like the ocean. -
First Underwater Habitat (scientific research)
It was an experiment, Conshelf one, a team was sent to live underwater for a week. -
Conductivity, Temp, depth sensors(scientific research)
The conductivity is measured for the salinity, also shows the relation between CTD. -
Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (scientific research)
Measures wave's current by speed and direction.