
Obsolete products

  • Public pay phones

    Public pay phones
    Public pay phones were like portable phones that you could make calls when you were out. you would have to put in some coins or a call card to use the public pay phone. pay phones became popular in the 80s and '90s when people didn't have cell phones, they became obsolete in the early 2000s because everyone started getting phones which made it easy for them to carry around and make text and calls whenever, and there was more stuff to do on cell phones than public pay phones.
  • New papers

    New papers
    Newspapers were the latest ways to get news and what going on in the world. they paper that you can read in person, you can bring the newspaper anywhere you go. The newspaper started in the 1600s because a creator found a way to let people know what was going on in the world without anyone worrying. the newspaper became less popular in the 2000s because that's when live TV, news started to come around at home you could watch the news on the TV without any newspaper,
  • maps

    Maps were used for exploring places, finding directions and helping with trips, maps are personal guides when going on trips. they show us where to go and what is around us. Maps have been around for a long time ancient civilizations used them, they became popular in the 15th and 16th centuries and they became obsolete when technology got around, people started using their GPS devices that help them where they want to go easier. Which made maps disappear.
  • CDS

    CDS are shiny round discs that you could play on a CD player or computer, CDS were used for video games, movies, TV shows and a lot more. CDS were invented in the 1970s and became super popular in the 80s and 90s after they upgraded from cassette tapes. CDS didn't become obsolete people just upgraded to technology.
  • getting bills in mail

    getting bills in mail
    getting bills in mail were responsibilities for adults and for them to manage their finances. getting bills in mail were around for a long time. People stopped paying the bills in the mail now and they're paying the bills online on their phones which make it easier for them and a faster way to pay the bills.