obrien whistleblowers

  • Samual Shaw

    Samual Shaw
    Samuel Shaw and Richard Marven exposed the commander in chief of the continental navy for the torture of British POWs. This led to the first whistleblower protection act.
  • Period: to

    History of whistleblower protection

  • Upton Sinclair

    Upton Sinclair
    Upton Sinclair is an example of another whistleblower, exposed the conditions inside the Chicago pig slaughter houses through his book; The Jungle.
  • WPA

    Whistleblower protection act protects employees and applicants for employment who lawfully disclose information about a person or organization which is unethical or illegal.
  • WPEA

    Congress passed the WPEA to strengthen protections for federal emploees who report fraud, waste, abuse.
  • National Defense Authorization Act

    NDAA makes it illegal for employee of a federal contractor to discriminate against making a protected whistleblower discloser.
  • USDA meat inspector

    USDA meat inspector
    Jim Schreir, a USDA meat inspector reported clear handling violations at tyson foods slaughter house
  • NDAA

    Congress made the program (NDAA) which made those protections permanent