Obando The Giver

  • Recollection

    a memory; something remembered or recalled
  • Profound

    intellectually deep; showing a lot of knowledge
  • Unnerving

    unsettling or upsetting
  • Requisition

    to demand or take
  • Conspicuous

    noticeable; easy to see
  • Self-consciously

    uncomfortably; showing you're embarrassed
  • Tentatively

    uncertainly and hesitantly
  • Obselete

    no longer useful
  • Unwieldy

    difficult to carry or handle
  • Wincing

    shrinking back involuntarily
  • Torrent

    swift flowing stream of something
  • Fretful

    uneasy of distressed
  • Admonition

  • Relinquished

    gave up or let go