Nutrition Throughout the Life Cycle (Aniaya & Mo)

  • Pregnancy

    Foods to Avoid For Pregnant Women
    • Soft Cheeses
    • Drugs
    • Alcohol
    • Certain kinds of fish
    • Unpasteurized Milk
    • Eggnog
    • Red Meats
    Special Nutritional Needs
    • Folic Acid
    • Proteins
    • Minerals
    • Vitamins
  • Infancy

    Foods to avoid for infants:

    • Honey
    • Peanut Butter
    • (tree) nuts
    • Citrus or acidic fruits
    • (Raw) fruits
    • Corn
    • Egg whites
    • Whole Milk( for a drink)
    • Wheat
    • Grapes

    • Carbohydrates
    • Protein
    • Fats
    • Vitamins
    • Minerals
  • Toddlers

    Foods to Avoid For Toddlers
    • Peanut Butter
    • Large Chunks of Foods
    • Choking hazards
    • Small Hard foods
    Special Nutritional Needs
    • Calcium
    • Proteins
    • A good well rounded diet
  • PreSchool (1 & 2 )

    PreSchool (1 & 2 )
    Foods to avoid for preschool:
    • Microwave pop corn
    • Processed meats
    • Canned tomatoes
    • Kids yogurt
    • Sport drinks
    • Sugary Cereal
    • Fruits
    • Vegetables
    • Grains
    • Protein
    • Dairy
    • Oils
  • School Age Children

    School Age Children
    Foods to Avoid
    • Processed meats such as salami, ham, pressed chicken and Strasbourg
    • Chips, sweet biscuits, and muesli bars and breakfast bars
    • Fruit bars and fruit straps
    • Cordials, juices and soft drinks.
    Special Nutrient Needs
    • Children Need a well-balanced diet full of vitamins and minerals for a growing body
  • Teenagers (13-17)

    Teenagers (13-17)
    Foods to avoid for Teen aged:
    • Sugary Cereal
    • High sugary Fruits & drinks
    • Full-Fat cheese milk
    • Fried foods
    • Cheesy creamy sauces Nutritional needs for teens: • Carbs for teen boys
    • Iron for teen girls
  • Adults

    Foods to Avoid
    • Soda
    • Red Meats
    • Over saturated fats
    • Empty Calories
    Special Nutrient Needs
    • Vitamin B12
    • Calcium
    • Proteins
    • Major Mineral
  • Older Adults (50+)

    Older Adults (50+)
    Foods to avoid for old people
    • cheese, yogurt and fromage frais
    • Beef, lamb, pork, chicken, beans, lentils, eggs and fish
    • Sugary foods Needs: • Calcium
    • Vitamin B12
    • Fiber
    • Potassium