Nullification Crisis

  • Tarrifs of Abominations

    Tarrifs of Abominations
    The tarrifs of abominations were high tarrifs of up to 50% set to tax imported goods into the US This helped many American businesses in the North, Central, and some of Western U.S. HOwever, this greatly harmed southern farmers, who relied on British exports heavily. John Quincy Adams signed the bill into order, but Andrew Jackson allowed it to happen. It was the highest tarriff yet, and greatly opposed by Southeners, who now had to rely on Northeastern products., which were much more expensive.
  • South Carolina Exposition and Protests

    South Carolina Exposition and Protests
  • Ordinance of Nullification

    Ordinance of Nullification
  • Proclomation to the People Of South Carolina

    Proclomation to the People Of South Carolina
  • Resolutions of December 20

    Resolutions of December 20
  • Tarrif of 1832

    Tarrif of 1832
  • Calhoun Resigns from Vice Presidency

    Calhoun Resigns from Vice Presidency
  • Force Bill

    Force Bill