North Africa

  • Period: 575 BCE to 147 BCE

    The Carthaginian Army ruled over the territory of Tunisia

    The Carthaginian army ruled over the territory of Tunisia, but they were overthrown by the Romans. The empire took over the entire current territory of Tunisia, and Northern Algeria, as well as the entire mediterranean sea. In 509 BCE the Carthaginians formed a peace treaty with Rome in order to avoid their land being taken. At the start of the 5th century BCE, they extended their empire over towards the current territory of Morocco as well as more parts of Algeria.
  • 480 BCE

    The Greek attempted to take over the Carthaginians land i

    The Greek attempted to take over the Carthaginians land i
    By 480 B.C.E the Greek attempted to take over the Carthaginians land in the first Silician war which occurred until 410 B.C.E. With the Carthaginian’s army, the Greek and Phoenicians were drawn to taking over the island of Sicily. The Greek army had 300,000 soldiers while the Carthaginian empire had an army of around 100,000. The battle caused the monarchy of the empire to change to a republic. In the first battle the Greek won due to the Carthaginian army losing to poor weather conditions.
  • 480 BCE

    Greek attempted to take over the Carthaginians land

    Greek attempted to take over the Carthaginians land
    By 480 B.C.E the Greek attempted to take over the Carthaginians land in the first Silician war which occurred until 410 B.C.E. With the Carthaginian’s army, the Greek and Phoenicians were drawn to taking over the island of Sicily. The Greek army had 300,000 soldiers while the Carthaginian empire had an army of around 100,000. The battle caused the monarchy of the empire to change to a republic. In the first battle the Greek won due to the Carthaginian army losing to poor weather conditions.
  • 410 BCE

    Second Battle

    Second Battle
    The second battle caused Carthage's supplies of silver and many other materials to be cut off. Mago was able to capture pieces of land in Sicily, but Syracuse was not affected and Mago staged another attack 4 years later. The attack did not go as planned, a plague had stricken both armies, but in the end Himilco had won the battle. For 60 years the battle had continued until the Carthaginian empire was pushed toward the southwest corner of the region that they had conquered.
  • 315 BCE

    The third Silican war

    The third Silican war
    The third Silican war started in the year of 315 B.C.E. The Greek began their final assault on the island of Sicily and the Carthage was short handed due to their peace treaty being broken. However, the Carthage were led by Himilicar, and he had laid siege to the city of Syracuse which was one of the Greeks most armed cities. The Greek sent 14,000 soldiers to the island, and the Carthage were able to overpower the Greek in 307 B.C.E, by using their knowledge of the terrain to their advantage.
  • 400

    Trading starts in the Sahara Desert

    Trading starts in the Sahara Desert
    The trade happened between the Sahara Desert and it started in 400 A.C.E. Most of the trade was Gold and salt. Gold mostly happened in the Western Africa while there was barely any in North Africa. Not many people came to the Sahara desert. Lots of people started coming once they found out about Western Sahara. The trade in Western Sahara is called Trans Saharan trade. People in North Africa sold gold, ivory, salt, and cloth. Sometimes they even sell slaves.
  • 500

    Byzantine empire takes over North Africa

    Byzantine empire takes over North Africa
    In the early 500 AD the Byzantine empire conquered northern africa. They ruled for almost 200 years. This was a short amount of time because the Byzantine empire was around for around 1100 years. Even though they had control over it they did not have agriculture control they had physical control. They influenced the people by converting them to the orthodox church Even with religious influence they did not have much control over it. dsfagrageafeasdf
  • 575

    the carthaginian army ruled over the territory of Tunisia

    the carthaginian army ruled over the territory of Tunisia
    The Carthaginian army ruled over the territory of Tunisia, but they were overthrown by the Romans. The empire took over the entire current territory of Tunisia, and Northern Algeria, as well as the entire mediterranean sea. In 509 BCE the Carthaginians formed a peace treaty with Rome in order to avoid their land being taken. At the start of the 5th century BCE, they extended their empire over towards the current territory of Morocco as well as more parts of Algeria.
  • 700

    Slave trade starts in North Africa

    Slave trade starts in North Africa
    The early 700 Ad is when we start to see the beginning of the slave trade. Most slaves were taken from north African tribes. Slaves were obtained in many ways. If 2 tribes were in war and there was a battle and one tribe took prisoners they would usually sell them as slaves. This slave trade caused the Africans to be converted from Islam to Arab in the current land of South-Eastern Tunisia. The slave trade was eventually ended in the late 19th century to the early 20th century.
  • 1570

    Ottoman follows muslim pirates footsteps and takes over Northern Africa.

    Ottoman follows muslim pirates footsteps and takes over Northern Africa.
    Around 1570 the ottoman empire took over north Africa. They then followed the footsteps of the Muslim pirates who took the land before them. But not after long Italy attacked, sending them into the Turkish war. The Spanish empire tried their best to remain in the land of Tunisia, but they were unable to due to the ottoman empire's large army. After only 1 year in the land of Tunisia, the Ottoman rule was over, because of their loss to the Spanish in later years.
  • Carthaginian explorer found Western Sahara

    Carthaginian explorer found Western Sahara
    A person who was a Carthaginian explorer found Western Sahara. A lot of trade started when they found western Sahara. In 1884 Spain wanted control over the Coast of Cape Bojador to Cape Blanc. Western Sahara became Spanish Sahara in 1934. Then it was known that they became an independent country in 1957 while Morocco was next to them. Spain ruled western Sahara until 1975 when it was officially an independent country. Western Sahara was the best place for people who decided to trade.
  • The people of Morocco built a wall.

    The people of Morocco built a wall.
    In 1981 The people of Morocco built a wall. They built the wall to keep out enemies and refugees. They completed the wall in 1991. They had guards guard the wall so no intruders could get into their country. The army of Morocco helped guard the wall and build the wall. The Wall is located in Western Sahara and morocco. And runs 1700 miles along with a sand wall. Another reason is the war they had between Western Sahara and Morocco, which caused them to fight about land.