Getting My Cat
I was at Petco with my sister and dad. I wanted to get this gray kitten, but it wouldn’t get out the cage. My sister wanted this black cat, so we got it instead. -
Coming Back From WWJH
We had just come from touring Westwood. For some reason I was really hyper and was singing nursery rhymes really loud. Everyone was staring at me. It was the weirdest thing I’ve ever done in school. -
Last Day Of 6th Grade
It was the last day I would see everyone that I grew up with for 7 years. We were at Amazing Jakes playing some games. At the end I started to cry. -
12th Birthday
I turned 12 and had invited all my friends over. We had a water balloon fight and I got to see my best friend that went to a different middle school. -
Entering Middle School
It was the first day of middle school. I didn’t know anyone in my classes and I was getting lost in the school.