Noam chomsky

Noam Chomsky

  • Birth

  • Chomsky Hierachy

    This theory proposed by Chomsky states that language whether it be written, spoken, or coded is characterized by two rules. The language is either semantic or syntactic. Language is then broken to into four level know as the Chomsky Hierarchy, type 3, 2, 1, and 0. Starting at the 3 the grammar levels become more restrictive with how they apply to the syntax of a sentence. This structuring of sentences set the core ideas of his publication Syntactic Structures.
  • Syntactic Structures

    Syntactic Structures
    In this publication Chomsky sought to design a formal language theory. He does this by applying precise models and mathematical formulas. In this publication Chomsky uses a famous grammatically correct sentence but shows that it is semantically null. Since there are infinite number of sentences that can be made, Chomsky emphasizes the importance of the syntax of sentences. Chomsky uses three rules, phrase, transformational, and morphophonemic to lay out ideal syntactic structure of sentences.
  • Overview of ideas in Sytactic Structure