NM History Timeline Before Statehood

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    Mexican American War

    War is won by the Americans and results in New Mexico becoming a United States territory.
    Mexican American Treaty
  • Gadsden Purchase

    Gadsden Purchase
    United States buys 30,000sq miles of land from Mexico to be land in territories of Arizona and New Mexico
    Gadsden Purchase
  • Battle of Glorieta Pass

    Battle of Glorieta Pass
    Confederate soldiers in the civil war are defeated in Northern New Mexico town of Glorieta and retreat back to Texas; ending the New Mexico territory campaign.
    Civil War: Glorieta Pass
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    Native American Peoples are Displaced

    In 1863 the Navajos were forced on The Long Walk to Bosque Redondo.
    In 1865 the Mescalero Apaches occupying Bosque Redondo are forced to their homelands into the south.
    In 1868 Bosque Redondo is closed as Navajos sign treaty with the United States and return to their homeland.
    In 1871 the San Carlos Indian reservation is created in southeast Arizona. Thousands of Apaches are forced to relocate to new lands
  • Railroads are Developed in New Mexico

    Three different railroads expanded through New Mexico. These were The Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad.
  • New Mexicans Serve in Spanish-American War

    New Mexicans Serve in Spanish-American War
    New Mexicans prove loyalty to United States as members of a calvary unit The Rough Riders in the Spanish-American War
  • New Mexico Achieves Statehood

    New Mexico Achieves Statehood
    New Mexico pushes past the resistance of Senator Albert Beveridge and is inducted into the Union