Nine months of pregnancy

  • First month of pregnancy

    First month of pregnancy
    1.Two weeks, size of a pin head.
    2.Egg attaches to line in the uterus, brain and spinal cord develop. Internal organs an circulatory stystem begin to form.
    3. Heart begins to beat.
  • Second month of pregnancy

    Second month of pregnancy
    1. Size: 1-4 inches. 2.Face, eyes, ears, and limbs form and take shape. 3.Bones begin to form.
  • Third month of pregnancy

    Third month of pregnancy
    1.size:1-4 inches.
    2. Nostrils, mouth, lips. and eyelids form. Teeth start to appear, fingers and toes almost in complete form.
    3. All organs present but still immature.
  • Fourth month of pregnancy

    Fourth month of pregnancy
    1.Size: three inches. Weighs one ounce.
    2. Facial features become clearer.
    3. Can suck it's thumb, swallow, hiccup, and move around.
  • Fifth month of pregnancy

     Fifth month of pregnancy
    1. Size: 6 and a half- 7in. long. Weighs 4-5 ounces.
    2. Hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows appear. Teeth continue to develop and oragans mature.
    3. The baby becomes more active.
  • Sixth month of pregnancy

     Sixth month of pregnancy
    1. Size:8-10 inches. Weighs 1 and a half- 2 pounds.
    2. Fat depostis under skin, and fetus appears wrinkled.
    3. Breathing movement begins.
  • Seventh month of pregnancy

    Seventh month of pregnancy
    1. Size: 10-12 inches long, weighs 1 and a half- 2 pounds.
    2. Hearing is fully developed.
    3. Changes postion, responds to sound, pain, and light, and has periods of rest and activity.
  • Eigth month of pregnancy

     Eigth month of pregnancy
    1.Size:14-16 inches long, weighs two and a half- three pounds. Rapid weight can happens.
    2.Fetus coutinues to mature and develop body fat reserves. Baby's brain deveopls rapidly.
    3. Reacts to loud noises witha reflex jerking movement. Moves into a head-down position. Baby kicks more and can hear and see clear.
  • Ninth month of pregnancy

    Ninth month of pregnancy
    1. Size: 17-18 inches long, weighs -6 pounds. Weight gain countinues.
    2. Skin becomes smooth as fat deposits countinue. Reflexes are coorinated. His or her lungs are fully developed. the baby aquires disease-fighting antibotics from the mother's blood. 3.Movements decrease becomes the fetus has less room to move around. The fetus can blink, close eyes, grasps firmly, and responds to sounds, light, and touch.