
Night Timeline

  • 1. Elie Weisel is born

    1. Elie Weisel is born
    Elie was born in Sighet to Sarah Feig and Chlomo Weisel
  • 2.Moshe the Beadle Warns Sighet

    2.Moshe the Beadle Warns Sighet
    Moshe returns after being deported by the Gestapo. When he comes back he tells the people of Sighet what he experienced but people thought he was crazy and just wanted attention.
  • 3. Germans Take over Sighet

    3. Germans Take over Sighet
    It was the Seventh-day of Passover in 1944 when The german soldiers really took control of things. They arrested Jewish Leaders, took the Jews Possesions, required Jews to wear a yellow star and establish Jewish Ghettos.
  • 4. Deportion of the Jews

    4. Deportion of the Jews
    The Jews were sent inland on freight trains with no clue that they were being sent to Auschwitz to be face to face with death it's self
  • 5. Madame Schächter sees the fire

    5. Madame Schächter sees the fire
    Madame Schächter screams that she can see the fire even though there is none and eventually the SS Officers have to hit her in order for her to keep quiet. Later they find out that she is right and the fire is from the crematorium at Auschwitz.
  • 6. Elie is separated from his family in Birkenau

    6. Elie is separated from his family in Birkenau
    When they arrived in Auschwitz, his family was separated. After that Elie made a pact to never leave his father, that was also the last time Elie saw his mother and sisters
  • 7. Elie Arrives in Buna

    7. Elie Arrives in Buna
    Elie stays at this camp for a while, He is given the job to work in a factory that makes electrical equipment.
  • 8. The March to Gleiwitz

    8. The March to Gleiwitz
    Elie and his father march a great distance with no jackets or shoes and if they move too slowly they are shot on the spot or are run over by the people behind them.
  • 9. Arrival at Gleiwitz

    9. Arrival at Gleiwitz
    When they arrive Elie is caught in a stampede of people and everyone is crushing each other. He also a new friend names Juliek who plays the violin, the next day when Elie wakes up he finds his new friend dead over a broken violin.
  • 10. Travel to Buchenwald

    10. Travel to Buchenwald
    His father was so exhausted and the SS Officers thought he was dead so they were about to throw him off the train. Elie watched as people killed each other for rations of bread and saw a son even kill his own father for his bread
  • 11. Arrival at Buchenwald

    11. Arrival at Buchenwald
    When they arrive his father gives up and decides he can't go on but Elie doesn't want to leave him. Despite how sick his father is he is still beaten and his food gets stolen. Later he dies.
  • 12. Liberation

    12. Liberation
    Elie and the remaining Jews at Buchenwald, are liberated by the US 89th Infantry Division