Hitler writes "Mein Kampf"
Nazi Party becomes the second largest political party in Germany
Nazi Party doubles seats in German Parliment
Nurembuerg Laws redefine German Jews as non-citizens. Jewish doctors are forced to give up their practices
German Jews are prohibited from obtaining passports and leaving the country
Kristallnacht or "The Night Before the Broken Glass" brings the burning of synagoges, vandilism of Jewish buisnesses, and the killing of Jews
World War II begins. Germany invades Poland
Germany conquers Holland and Belgium. Warsaw ghetto is established. Jews are sent to concentration camps.
Hitler invades Russia. Jew cannot leave their neighborhoods. Japan attacks Pearl Harbor. United States enters war.
"Final Solutuon" begins. This is a plan to exterminate all Jews in Europe
Hungarian Jews are deported to Auschwitz. On July 24 alone, 46,000 Jews are murdered
World War II ends