Start of the German Revolution
Period: to
WW II before, during, and after
End of WW I
Beer Hall Putsch
The Beer Hall Putsch takes place, in which Adolf Hitler unsuccessfully leads the Nazis in an attempt to overthrow the German government. -
Adolf hitler is sentenced to 5 years in jail
Adolf Hitler is sentenced to 5 years in jail for his participation in the Beer Hall Putsch -
Adolf Hitler's autobiographical manifesto Mein Kampf is published
Treaty of Berlin
Treaty of Berlin is signed by Germany and the Soviet Union, which declares neutrality if either country is attacked within the next five years -
The Geat Depression begins with the Wall Street Crash
President of Germany
Paul von Hindenburg is reelected President of Germany, defeating Adolf Hitler in a run-off. -
New Gov. ft. Hitler
Paul von Hindenburg begins talking to Adolf Hitler about forming a new government. -
Defense of the Great Wall
Japan attacks the fortified eastern end of the Great Wall of China in Rehe Province in Inner Mongolia. -
Hitler- Chancellor of Germany
Nazi leader Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany by President Paul von Hindenburg. -
Germany's parliament building the Reichstag is set on fire
U.S. President
Franklin Delano Roosevelt is inaugurated as President of the United States. -
Germany's first concentration camp, Dachau, is completed
Enabling Act
The Reichstag passes the Enabling Act, making Adolf Hitler dictator of Germany. -
The Gestapo secret police is established in Germany
Hitler outlaws trade unions
All non-Nazi parties are banned in Germany
The Nazi party becomes the official party of Germany
Haavara Agreement
Haavara Agreement: The agreement was designed to help facilitate the emigration of German Jews to Palestine. -
Death of the President of Germany
Upon the death of President Paul von Hindenburg, Adolf Hitler makes himself Führer of Germany, becoming Head of State as well as Chancellor. -
The Invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany
Adolf Eichmann
Adolf Eichmann begins deporting Jews from Austria and Czechoslovakia into Poland. -
Pearl Harbor attack
Japan launches an attack on Pearl Harbor, declares war on the United States -
U.S. Nuclear Bombing in Japan
In August 1945, during the final stage of the Second World War, the United States dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The two bombings, which killed at least 129,000 people, remain the only use of nuclear weapons for warfare in human history