• Period: to

    Revoking of rights

    Jews began to loose all rights, they were forced into ghettos and banned from almost all public places. They were required to wear the star of David on their clothing and stripped of the right to own any business. [BACKGROUND]
  • Interaction with Moshie the Beadle, new love of religion

    Elie began to pray every night with Moshie the Beadle. Moshie showed him a deeper meaning of saying prayers. He asked him to question his reasons for believing in which made Elie's connection stronger with God.
  • Deportation and placement into camps

    German officers began to arrive in Sighet and started to send families out of the ghettos and into concentration camps, this is the first demonstration of being an outsider. Once arrived at the camp we see Elie and his friends and family become outcasts among other Jews inside the camps. "Shut up, you moron, or ill tear you to pieces! you should have hanged yourselves rather than come here. Didn't you know what was in store for you here at Auschwitz? You didn't know in 1944?"(30).
  • Loss of Hope

    Having been inside camps under such harsh conditions, naturally Elie and his father began to loose hope. Times grew more desperate and still no end in sight, it was not difficult to grow weak as they did. As Elie began to notice his fathers weakness grow he started to question his own will to survive. "I shall not describe my life during this time. It no longer mattered. Since my fathers death, nothing mattered to me anymore"(113).
  • Liberation of the infirmaries

    For a long while Elie had to stay inside the infirmary because of a foot injury. As he was inside the infirmary news of the red army approaching, Elie became concerned with being separated from his father. He and his father chose to go with their block instead of staying with the patients, later they found out that the people inside the infirmary were liberated days later
  • The End of the War

    As the war came to an end the imprisoned Jews (or those who survived) were set free and began to start living their lives again. Recovery was not easy Elie spent two weeks in the hospital, but the guilt and memories were probably the hardest to heal.