Elie Wiesel is born in Sighet, Transylvania
Elie Wiesel is born in Sighet, Transylvania -
Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany and the Nazi party takes control of Germany's government
The first permanent concentration camp, Dachau, is established.
Nuremberg Race Laws against Jews are decreed, depriving Jews of German citizenship.
Germany invades Poland, starting World War II in Europe.
Elie Wiesel and his family become residents of Hungary
Twelve-year-old Elie Wiesel begins studying the Kabbalah.
Nazi Germany attacks the Soviet Union on June 22
Elie Wiesel is fifteen years old when he and his family are deported in May 1944 by the Hungarian gendarmerie and the German SS and police from Sighet to Auschwitz.
Soviet troops liberate Auschwitz
U.S. troops liberate Buchenwald
World War II in Europe ends
Elie Wiesel studies at the Sorbonne in Paris. He becomes interested in journalism.
Elie Wiesel goes to Jerusalem for the first time.