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Niels Bohr Timeline

  • The Birth of Niels Bohr

    The Birth of Niels Bohr
    Niels Bohr is born in Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Enrolls into the University of Copenhagen

    Enrolls into the University of Copenhagen
    Bohr studies physics.
  • Idea of Quantum Physics is Formed

    Idea of Quantum Physics is Formed
    In the Bohr model of the atom, electrons travel in defined circular orbits around the nucleus.
  • Married Margrethe Nørlund

    Married Margrethe Nørlund
    Bohr had a happy marriage, Margrethe was his most trusted advisor.
  • Offered a New Professorship at the University of Copenhagen

    Offered a New Professorship at the University of Copenhagen
    Bohrn was dedicated to theoretical physics, it was the second professorship in physics there.
  • Established Bohr’s Institute for Theoretical Physics

    Established Bohr’s Institute for Theoretical Physics
    Bohr stated that experiments and experimenters were indispensable at an institute for theoretical physics and he would make the new institute a place where the younger generation of physicists could propose new ideas.
  • Niels Bohr Wins Noble Peace Prize

    Niels Bohr Wins Noble Peace Prize
    Bohr developed an elaborate scheme building up the periodic table by adding electrons one after another to the atom according to his atomic model.
  • Complementarity Principle

    Complementarity Principle
    A central element of the Copenhagen interpretation is Bohr’s complementarity principle, presented for the first time in 1927 at a conference in Como, Italy
  • Support from Rockefeller Foundation

    In the early 1930s Bohr found use once more for his fund-raising abilities and his vision of a fruitful combination of theory and experiment.
  • The Hisotry of Niels Bohr (Video)

    The Hisotry of Niels Bohr (Video)
  • Niels Bohr Death

    Niels Bohr Death
    Niels Bohr died in Copenhagen on November 18, 1962.