Born in Copenhagen, Denmark. His father was a professor of physiology and his mother came from a wealthy Jewish family. -
Atomic Structure Papers
In this year Bohr published three separate papers on his theory of atomic structure. These papers also introduced his model of a hydrogen atom. His theory that an electron could drop from a higher-energy into a lower-energy orbit and release energy. He also theorized that the properties of an element were determined by the number of electrons in the atom's outer orbit. -
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Established in 1918 and opened under the name of Niels Bohr Institute in March 1921 under the direction of Bohr himself. The Institute focuses on quantum mechanics and theoretical physics. -
Principle of Complementarity
Bohr's philosophical principle that said depending on the experimental framework items could have mutually exclusive properties. This principle was based on his experiments that confirmed the de Broglie hypothesis. -
Theory of Compound Nucleus
Bohr worked with physicist Fritz Kalckar to explain how neutrons could be captured by a nucleus and that a nucleus could also be deformed. -
Died of heart failure in his own home at the age of 77.