Nicole and Maddie

  • Lewis as commander

    Lewis as commander
    Lewis was pick as the commander of the expedition! This is impotantsd because it is good to know who ran such an important expedition from St Louis to Origin.
  • The beginning

    The beginning
    Expedition begins! This is important because this was when the expedition began.
  • The death of Charles Floyd

    The death of Charles Floyd
    Near present day Sioux City, Iowa, Sgt Charles Floyd dies of a probable burs appendix.Captains named the hilltops where Floyd is burried Floyd's Bluff and a nearby stream, Floyds river. This is important because Floyd was the only person who died on Lewis' and Clark's expedition.
  • New members

    New members
    Toussaint Charbonneau, a French Canadian fur trapper living with the Hidatsas, is hired as an interpreter. His wife, Sacagawea, a Soshone who had been captured by the Hidatsas and sold to Charbonneau, is also considered helpful as the Shoshones are said to live at the headwaters of the Missouri. Thi is important because the two new member could help on the expedition Charbonneau would translit languages he knew for Lewis and Clark and Sacagawea knows more about the land than the other.
  • Fort Mandan

    Fort Mandan
    Fort Mandan is completed. Then men built the log triangular fort out of cottonwood trees that the cut newar the river. After the fort was complete they named it after the tribe Mandan for their hospitality. The importance of this place is that they met Charbonneau and Sacagawea.
  • Seeing the ocean

    Seeing the ocean
    Clark writes in his journal "Ocian in veiw! O! the joy." The expedition is actually 20 miles away from the sea. Terrible storm delay the expedition for nearly 3 weeks. November 23 by majority vote the expedition corsses to the south side of the Columbia River and build fort Clatsop. This is important because they have reached tthe end of the journey and are about to turn around to head home.
  • Starting the journey home

    Starting the journey home
    Fort Clatsop is presented to the Clatsop Indian, for which it was named, and the expodition begins home. This is importan because their journey is nearing an end as the head towards home.
  • Great currents

    Great currents
    With the current of the Missouri behind them they are able to cover 70 miles per day. The expedition also begins meeting boats of American traders heading upriver. This is important because seeing the boats means they are getting closer to St. Louis.
  • Returning home

    Returning home
    Lewis and Clark return home. This is important because now they can tell President Jefferson all that they saw and leanred.
  • Fall of 1806

    Fall of 1806
    Lewis and Clark are treated as national heroes. Thye return to Washington D.C. The men recieve double pay and 320 acres of land as reward, the captains get 1,600 acres. Lewis and named governor of the Louisiana Territory, Clark is made Indian agent for the West and brigadier general of the territory's militia. This is important because Lewis and Clark are still remembered today