Nick Timeline

By iamnick
  • Period: to

    My Life

  • My mom

    She taught me more than anything I can think of. She taught me how to love, show respect, and to be a kid. I wouldn't act and be the way I am without my mom
  • My little brother

    Theres more to have a sibling. you have tough moments and you have the best. I love my brother but he gets on my nerves everyday. When my brother was born I heard so many stories about how I used to carry him upside down and crawl into his bed and say goodnight brother. Even though he gets on my nerves we get along better than anyone I get along with because he my little brother. I be hard on him and the reason is to make him learn and be tough. Not everything is easy in life.
  • playing basketball

    It changed my life because it introduced me Into sports. It impacted my life because when I was young I chose what I wanted to do in life. That desision help me in life today because now that Im in sports it gives me joy.
  • first pair of Jordans

    My first pair of Jordans changed my life because it gave me an opportunity to choose my goals in life and how to pick shoes. It also taught me to be grateful because my mom didn't have to buy me those shoes. It is my favorite pair of shoes.
  • My first phone.

    My uncle gave me that phone, but I was too young to know what to do with it so I didn't care too much. I threw or broke because I was younger than what I am now. Soon after a couple of months go by my uncle came and asked where the phone go and I said I don't know. It taught me a lesson doe. Never threw anything away because anything can be valuable.
  • me getting introduced into football

    When I got introduced into football it changed my life mentally and physically. I love football, it made look at the world in a different way. For an example when you're on the field and doing your things have you ever thought about hitting someone really hard and don't have to go to jail? Well you can in football.
  • My first girlfriend

    My first girlfriend taught me in life that I need to worry that you shouldn't be worrying about others and worry about yourself. It also taught me to not worry about girls and worry about your dreams. When I had the girlfriend she was just in my way taking up my time when I could've been studying or something.
  • Band

    It changed my life, because it gave made me look at music a different way. I thought it was always just a beat and a singer, But no it much more. It involves skills and Talent to make music.
  • My 13th birthday.

    On my 13th birthday I wasn't feeling good. On my birthday I was feeling bad, Because I was looking back on all the things I did in life. Most of all how I treated people, I sat at least 30 mins just thinking bad about how I did other people. I taught me to never think yourself greater than anyone, because in reality they can do more than what u think they can.
  • Going to high school

    Im still in high school and this school changed how I was thinking in every other school I was in. This school gave me the most freedom I needed. As of right now I'm learning things I could use in the near future in college.