I was born on May 19, 2002 -
5 Things From My Childhood
My friend I drew with in 3rd grade
My first time riding a bike
This kid that stole my really cool silly band in 2nd grade and I
told the teacher, but she just took it from both of us :(
Learned to be respectful to everyone and treat people how you
want to be treated.
Placing 1st in an art contest in 7th grade -
I am going to die on 3/15/2020 -
Upcoming Events
Graduating from High School
Graduating from my College afterwards
Marrying someone and starting a family
The age I peak at is gonna probably be 24, when everyone I
know is around me and having fun and is happy with everyone
I've achieved.
Something I want my future self to know is to never think you
you can't do something and no matter how deep you're in
there's always a possibility of you pulling yourself out of
where ever you are.