Period: to
Assessment: Online System Experience
The use of the online testing system through taking the District Common Assessment will increase to 100%. Roles defined:
Administration- monitor for accountability, elicit feedback, evaluate process and enact changes or communicate needs to appropriate people
Teacher- Commit to using the testing system online, monitor student use, document/communicate issues/problems
Student- Experience online testing
Tech Directors- elicit and and act on issues
ISD- support system use -
Period: to
Assessment: Define Skills
The QDAT group or a subcommittee will look at SBAC released items and define the skills teachers and students need to be prepared to take the online assessment in the Spring of 2015. Roles Defined:
QDAT: research and report
Tech Directors: research and report
Assisstive Tech: evaluate for assistive tech components -
Technology: Admin details - Tech Readiness Survey
Log in site
User Guide
Approval of Criteria for the Section 22.i Technology Readiness Infrastructure Grants
This survey must be completed by all districts as of November 29th in order for us to qualify for the 22i grant. -
Period: to
Curriculum: Gap Units Introduction
MAISA units Begin offering instruction on how to implement MAISA units created in ELA and Math. Roles defined:
Administrators- encourage participation and monitor implementation
Teachers- participate and implement
ISD Math/ELA consultants- facilitate and monitor implementation -
Technology: Admin details - 22i Grant
Consolidated tech plan complete
Approval of Criteria for the Section 22.i Technology Readiness Infrastructure Grants Roles Defined:
ISD staff - find rubric/guidance, look at existing plans, condense
Tech directors- review, edit, and approve plan -
Assessment: Online System Experience
50% of all students in grades K-9 in all districts have taken the District Common Assessment through the online testing system. For grades where no Common Assessment is available - they will experience the online testing environment through a teacher created assessment. -
Period: to
Instruction: Skills Integration
Using the list of defined skills, create an implementation rubric of actionable ideas for integrating the skills into units and lessons in multiple grade spans and subject areas. Communicate out to all teaching staff. Roles Defined:
QDAT- create tool
Assistive Tech- evaluate for assistive tech integration
Administration- communicate out to teachers -
Period: to
Curriculum: Gap Units Implementation
MAISA units
All teachers teaching ELA or Math will implement and/or integrate MAISA units into core lesson plans with support from ISD consultants Roles Defined:
Teachers: implement gap units
Administrators: support and monitor implementation
ISD Math/ELA consultants: support implentation
Assitive tech: offer assistive tech supports -
Assessment: Online System Experience
100% of all students in grades K-10 in all districts have taken the District Common Assessment through the online testing system. For grades where no Common Assessment is available - students will experience the online testing environment through a teacher created assessment. -
Assessment: Online Readiness
100% of students are proficient at testing online. 100% of teacher testing proctors are proficient at basic technology troubleshooting