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New Zealand

  • Jan 1, 1300

    Polynesian Settlement

    This is when the settlers from polynesia came over to New Zealand and started living there.
  • Abel Janszoon Tasman

    Dutch explorer who named the island "Staten Landt"
  • Captain James Cook

    British Sailor took the island in the name of Britain
  • Women Arrive

    The first european women arrive on the island to join their husbands.
  • Around 25 northern Māori chiefs adopt the United Tribes flag, on Busby's initiative.

    Around 25 northern Māori chiefs adopt the United Tribes flag, on Busby's initiative.
    Timeline of events - New Zealand in History. (n.d.). Retrieved August 04, 2016, from
  • Declaration of Independence by the United Tribes of New Zealand, signed by 34 northern Chiefs.

    Declaration of Independence by the United Tribes of New Zealand, signed by 34 northern Chiefs.
    Timeline of events - New Zealand in History. (n.d.). Retrieved August 04, 2016, from
  • Gold discovered in Buller.

    Timeline of events - New Zealand in History. (n.d.). Retrieved August 04, 2016, from
  • The last of the British Imperial Forces leave New Zealand.

    Timeline of events - New Zealand in History. (n.d.). Retrieved August 04, 2016, from
  • The eruption of Mount Tarawera

    The largest explosion ever seen on the island by far.
  • Women granted the right to vote.

    Timeline of events - New Zealand in History. (n.d.). Retrieved August 04, 2016, from