New Technology Over Time

  • Apr 10, 1564

    Graphite Pencil

    Graphite Pencil
    The graphite pencil was important because it was a much easier way to keep records on file.
  • Toilet

    The toilet was invented in the late 1500's by Sir John Harrington. This invention was very important because it was a better way to dispose of waste.
  • American University (Harvard)

    American University (Harvard)
    This was the first university etablished in what was known as the New Wolrd. There were other universities before this but none in the Americas.
  • Haciendas

    System set up by the Spanish colonists which allowed them to work mor efficiently using indian labor.
  • Lightning Rod

    Lightning Rod
    Invented by Ben Franklin. This was important because it prevents lightning from burning down buildings.
  • Steamship

    The steamship made transport on rivers much easier and more efficient.
  • Bifocals

    New type of lenses that were put in glasses to help people see better. Invented by Benjamin Franklin.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Tool that allowed farmers to prepare cotton much fater. They could get all the seeds ou much faster than picking them all out individually.
  • Textile Mill

    Textile Mill
    First US factory wasn't a big factory. Made clothes led America into Industrialization later.
  • Interchangable Parts

    Interchangable Parts
    These parts are important because it helped modernize the muskett indusrtry making it easier to mass produce guns.
  • Battery

    The battery is very important because it leads to more possibilitys electronically with newer technology.
  • Steamlocomotive

    This train was invented to make easier transportation throughout the country. They carried both people and goods across the US.
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    Allowed products to be transported accross the country more easily. Most rivers ran north to south so the canal ran east to west. It is a series of locks that allows a boat to pass through.
  • Railroad

    Allowed products to be shipped across the country much easier. They could be loaded on to car and a steam powered locomotive would take them across the country.
  • Circuit Breaker

    Circuit Breaker
    Protects electrical switches from damage by overloading or short circuting.
  • Gas Mask

    Gas Mask
    Not only in battle but this invention prevented people from inhaling toxic fumes.
  • Sewing Machine (Patented)

    Sewing Machine (Patented)
    Allowed clothes to be made faster intstead of doing one stich at a time multiple stiches could be done very quickly.
  • Bessemer Process

    Bessemer Process
    The Bessemer Process was the process that made it easier and much more efficient to create steel from iron. This allowed for Crnegie to create a monopoly on steel because he could make it effeiciently.
  • Rotary Washing Machine

    Rotary Washing Machine
    A machine that allowed people to more conviently clean their clothes in their home. This also required a lot less labor than more traditional methods.
  • Iron Clad Warships

    Iron Clad Warships
    These ships were more heavily armed and there was a big battle during the Civil War at Hampton Roads in 1862 in which these were used.
  • Gatling Gun

    Gatling Gun
    It was a machine gun used in battle during the civil war. Had a much faster rate of fire then previous weapons used.
  • Movie Camera

    Movie Camera
    First Device to allow a person to watch moving pictures. Not like the movies seen today but could show drawings or cartoons through the camera.
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    Transcontinental Railroad
    The first railroad that traveled across the United States. Two companies built from opposite ends of the country and met in Utah to complete the railroad.
  • Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell invented a machine (the telephone), in which it was possible to transmit speech electrically. This greatly benefited not only the US but the entire world and made it much easier to communicate from long distances without needing to travel.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

    A time in American history when new industries were developing all across the country. Along with the advancemets in industry there were also many advancements in technology.
  • Sholes & Glidden Typewriter

    Sholes & Glidden Typewriter
    Type writer that allowed word to be put on paper at 130 words a minute which was faster than the writing of the time 30 words per minute. Also not everything had to be handwritten anymore making work more effiecient
  • Phonograph

    Invented by Thomas Edison it was considerd a very early form of a record player.
  • Refrigerated Railroad Car

    Refrigerated Railroad Car
    Allowed cattle owners to slaughter the cattle and then ship it east without going bad. This led to the end of cattle drives and cowboys. This changed because befor this invention cattle had to be shipped and then slaughtered.
  • Lightbulb

    Invented by Thomas Edison gave light to factories and was able to be fueled by coal which was a cheap form of energy. Factory workers could work longer shifts and more factories had access to the cheap form of energy.
  • Vaccum Cleaner

    Vaccum Cleaner
    New appliance used to clean the house. More people could purchase these now because of the fact of buying on credit.
  • Airplane

    First successful flight of an airplane was completed by Orville and Wilbur Wright. It was completed in North Carolina
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    The construction of the Panama Canal begins. The canal was built through Panama to allow ships to go from the Atlantic to Pacfic Oceans faster.
  • Ford Model T

    Ford Model T
    Henry Ford created a car known as the Ford Model. This car changed the car industry to allow many of the poorer people to own a car.
  • Tank

    The tank was not very developed but was used as a weapon that could take out multiple men at a time. it was first used in WWI
  • Radio

    Allowed a voice or music to be broadcasted to a large group of people. It was used for entertainment and fireside chats during the great depression.
  • Refrigerator

    Helped people keep foods that stayed cold in the house longer.Prevented food from becoming moldy. This could also be purchased on credit.
  • Mustard Gas

    Mustard Gas
    Used in WWI as a weaon. Poiosonous gas that killled many soldiers that were stuck in the trenches due to trench warfare.
  • Gas Stove (AGA Cooker)

    Gas Stove (AGA Cooker)
    Allowed food to be cooked more efficiently by using gas and electriciy instead of an open fire.
  • Talkie

    First movie that had sound other tha music. Allowed characters to spek dialougue within a film.
  • Techincolor Feature Film

    Techincolor Feature Film
    Movies that could pe played so that the color of everything could be seen. Previously only available in black and white.
  • Penicillin

    A medicine used to help fight infections that may have been caused by injuries on the battlefield. This was also used in the mainland for many types of infections.
  • V-2 Rocket

    V-2 Rocket
    This new weapon was produced in Nazi Germany. The V-2 missile was the world first long-range guided balistic missile.
  • Atomic Bomb

    Atomic Bomb
    Bomb that splits atoms and causes mass destruction. it is the first weapon of mass destruction. When dropped it forms a mushroom cloud and lets of mass amounts of radiation.
  • Television

    The first time that people could watch broadcasts of news or other shows with a picure and sound within their own homes. Television at this poimt was in almost every american family.
  • Credit Card (Diners)

    Credit Card (Diners)
    The first credit card ever to be used. Allowed consumers to not have to pay in cash and pay back the company back at a later time.
  • Hydrogen Bomb

    Hydrogen Bomb
    This weapon of mass destruction splits hydorgen atoms siimilar to an atomic bomb. Although the hydrogen bomb is much more powerful and destructive that the atomic bomb.
  • Levittown

    Suburb towns that were exactly identical. Building houses this way allowed contruction companies to make a large profit because they were inexpensive to build and could sell for a lot due to demand. They had restrictions on what could be added.
  • Interstate Highway

    Interstate Highway
    These new hghways were built it allowed people to move to the suburbs. Transportantion was a lot easier especially if military had to transports materials across the country.
  • Space Satellite

    Space Satellite
    Sputnik was the first ever obeject launched into outer space during the cold war. It was a small metal sphere with radio antennas attached to it. It acheived orbit of the Earth.
  • Kevlar

    A material that is very strong and most commonly found in bullet proof vests.
  • Man on the moon

    Man on the moon
    "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind"
    This date was very important because it was the day Neil Armsrong first landed and walked on the moon.
  • Floppy Disk

    Floppy Disk
    Device that allowed a person to transport and store computer data. The stored dtat could then be brought up on anohter computer somewhere else in the world.
  • Cell Phone

    Cell Phone
    Allows people to talk to others on the phone without being connected to a landline or having to use a payphone.
  • Space Shuttle

    Space Shuttle
    A new and safer way to travel into and out of space with humans on board. The ship allowed a safer return than the previous means of trasportation in the lunar missions.
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    Alows people anywhere in the world to access information they want or need through the use of computers.