the new spain started when hernan cortes conquisted the aztec empire in 1521 -
religious orders
Religious orders of women attend the education of this genre in the colonies Council of the Indies -
expansion of monastic orders
Expansion of monastic orders in all American colonies 1536 The Viceroyalty of New Spain is established Establishment of geographic jurisdiction -
a decree
A decree is promulgated that allows ecclesiastics to receive donations or bequests in Spanish towns granted by peninsular 1563 Compilation of laws of the Indies -
Media unbundling process of the native provinces. Decrease in the number of inhabitants in villas -
laws of kingdoms
Compilation of Laws of the kingdoms of the Indies is published, these apply in all colonies and viceroyalties -
felipe V
Felipe V issued the Bourbon Reforms as an instrument to modernize Spain before the technical, social, political and economic advance of Europe -
trade is the soul of the monarchy
"Trade is the soul of the monarchy" was read in royal documents as the main economic driving force in overseas colonizations -
the crown
The Crown decrees the expulsion of the Jesuits 1786 The Crown promulgates the Ordinances of Intendancies to define and establish the system of intendancies in New Spain -
failed attempt
Failed attempt to form an assembly to govern the country in the name of Fernando VII They establish Spanish among the indigenous people, the creation of schools and the payment of teachers with communal funds -
Napoleon Bonaparte invades Spain, captures the king and names José Bonaparte monarch of Spain. -
The war of independence begins
miguel hidalgo starts planning the independence plan to set mexico free -
Morelos summons the first American congress in Chilpancingo, promulgates the Apatzingán Constitution a year later, based on Sentiments of the nation -
miguel hidalgo and other insurgents beat the spanish people, and set mexico free