New Religion

  • The beginning

    The beginning
    3Ho was founded by Yogi Bhajan. This was after he came to the West from India. He teaches healthy, happy, holy life through the practice of Kundalini. Yoga appealed to young people seeking spiritual awareness and natural living.
  • Period: to

    3HO new religion movement

  • The Ten Year

    This is the 10 year anniversary of the religion. Yogi first instructed women in Grace of god meditation. Using this allowed them to relate to their higher potential
  • The meeting

    The meeting
    A "meeting of the ways" took place at Stanford University as the New Age spiritual leaders met to discuss the issue of Nuclear Armament/Disarmament.
  • 1984

    Yogi Bhajan, met with the Pope in Rome, Italy. Yogi met with world leaders of all faiths to encourage dialogue. He even met with Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul II, the Dalai Lama, and two Archbishops of Canterbury.
  • The Award

    The Award
    Yogi Bhajan was the 52nd recipient of the 52nd recipient of the Courage of Conscience Award from the Peace Abbey in Sherborn, Massachusetts.
  • the 2000s

    the 2000s
    3Ho became a cornerstone for Kundalini Yoga events, as well as providing educational resources aimed at sharing the benefits of the practice with anyone who wants them.
  • Food 4 kids

    Food 4 kids
    In 2009 Food 4 kids was funded by the 3HO group. This program serves hungry children in and around the Española, New Mexico area. This program provides free breakfast and lunch for kids between 6-12.
  • The setback

    In 2020 COVID shut down all in person activities so therefore all 3HO events were cancelled. To keep the group together they started a online program. As a result of the online program over 7,000 members attended.
  • The Comeback

    3HO launched a new website to invite new members to learn, practice, experiment. This has certified 32,000 teachers from 211 countries. Overall there are still over 100,000 teachers in training.