New Nation

  • The constitution was officially written

    One weakness of the PA constitution was that the president of the Supreme Executive Council did not have authority like today.
    The constitution was patterned after U.S. Constitution.
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  • The Article of Confederation was finally written

    The purpose of the Articles was to create a union among the states that gave most of the power in government to the states themselves.
    Because the power of government was in the states it was difficult for the government to get anything done.
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  • The articles of confederation are adopted by the states

    The purpose of the Articles was to create a union among the states that gave most of the power in government to the states themselves.
    The Articles of Confederation gave each state one vote in Congress.
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  • Constitution

    Members met in Philadelphia to strengthen the federal government.
    The new constitution replaced the old articles of confederation.
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  • The Battle of Lake Erie

    Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry was put in charge of the naval forces.
    Perry’s victory on Lake Erie caused the British to draw troops out of the states and march back into Canada.
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  • The War of 1812

    The Treaty of Ghent officially ended the War of 1812.
    The War of 1812 did not result in either country winning or losing land.
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  • Treaty of Ghent

    This treaty was the action taken in 1814 to end the war of 1812.
    The news of the treaty slowly reached America, Americans rejoiced even after the official peace.
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  • Whiskey Rebellion

    The most controversial of the revenue taxes and was an excise tax on whiskey.
    Farmers and other frontiersman opposed the tax the tax made it hard for tax collectors.
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  • Political Parties are established

    At first there where no political parties in the new country.
    However, people still had strong feelings about how much power the federal government should have, and political parties were formed.
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  • Fries rebellion

    Relations between the United States and France had been strained.
    The government believed that this type of tax would not be as hard on the poor, who lived in smaller homes.
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