New Nation

  • The Pennsylvania State Constitution is written

    The Pennsylvania State Constitution is written
    Was one of the first states to write a new constitution. Some of Pennsylvania’s leaders, Benjamin Franklin and Robert Morris, called for a state constitution convention.
  • The Articles of Confederation are written

    The Articles of Confederation are written
    It was necessary, then, to have a form of government at the state the federal levels that allowed the government to do whatever was necessary to win the war. But it was clear that both government and state government had weaknesses.
  • The Articles of Confederation are adopted by the states

    The Articles of Confederation are adopted by the states
    The purpose of the Articles was to create a union among the states that gave most of the power in government to the states themselves. No laws could be passed unless 9 of the 13 states agreed.
  • Constitution

    Members met in Philadelphia PA to strengthen the federal government. The new constitution replaced the articles of confederation.
  • Fries Rebellion

    Fries Rebellion
    German Americans rose to protest another direct tax. This tax was on land, houses and slaves.
  • A New State Constitution

    A New State Constitution
    While Americans were writing a new federal constitution, Pennsylvanians were becoming dissatisfied with their state constitution.
  • The Whiskey Rebellion

    The Whiskey Rebellion
    Two rebellions were tied to issues of national power. The United States government, in the beginning, did not have any income tax. This new tax hurt farmers who made whiskey from the corn they grew.
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    The Treaty of Paris ended the Revolutionary War between the United States and Great Britain. The British ships still harassed American ships.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    The war was only fought in two places in PA, the battle was much more important though. Oliver Hazard Perry had defeated the British and caused their commander to surrender.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    General Andrew Jackson defeated a large force of British troops, the Americans around the country rejoiced over the victory.