New Mexico timeline

  • U.S invades New Mexico

    U.S invades New Mexico
    U.S invades and captures New Mexico in the Spanish American war
  • Mexican American war ends

    Mexican American war ends
    The Mexican American war ends with the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
  • New Mexico becomes a territory

    New Mexico becomes a territory
    New Mexico becomes a territory of the U.S
  • Navajos sign treaty

    Navajos sign treaty
    Navajos sign treaty and return to homeland in northern New Mexico
  • San Carlos formed

    San Carlos formed
    The San Carlos reservation was formed in 1871. Thousands of Apaches were forced to be moved back into the southeastern Arizona
  • Rail road

    Rail road
    The first rail road trackes were intsalled in New Mexico in 1880
  • War efforts

    War efforts
    New Mexicans proved their loyalty to the U.S by serving in the Spanish American war. Also known as the rough riders
  • Becoming a State

    Becoming a State
    After the war. The president Teddy Roosevelt recognized New Mexicans and give them the right to become a state after 66 years