Period: 1550 BCE to 1525 BCE
Reign of Ahmose
1532 BCE
Hyksos are expelled, restoring power to Nubia and Canaan
1530 BCE
Amun and Montu temples are expanded
1525 BCE
Temple of Karnak is rebuilt
1525 BCE
Military campains to Kush
Period: 1525 BCE to 1504 BCE
Reign of Amenhotep
1504 BCE
Egyptian Empire expands to Mesopotamia
Period: 1504 BCE to 1492 BCE
Reign of Thutmose I
1500 BCE
Egyptian Empire expands to the Euphrates
1492 BCE
First pharaoh buried in Valley of the Kings
Period: 1492 BCE to 1479 BCE
Reign of Thutmose II
1479 BCE
Trade trip to Punt brings valuable objects and connections
1479 BCE
Obelisks are created
Period: 1479 BCE to 1425 BCE
Reign of Hatshepsut
Period: 1479 BCE to 1425 BCE
Reign of Thutmose III
1458 BCE
Egyptian Empire expands to Syria
Period: 1427 BCE to 1400 BCE
Reign of Amenhotep II
Period: 1400 BCE to 1390 BCE
Reign of Thutmose IV
Period: 1390 BCE to 1352 BCE
Reign of Amenhotep III
1353 BCE
Akhenaten employs monotheistic religion and moves capital to Amarna
Period: 1352 BCE to 1336 BCE
Reign of Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten)
Period: 1338 BCE to 1336 BCE
Reign of Smenkhkare
1336 BCE
Capital is returned to Thebes
Period: 1336 BCE to 1327 BCE
Reign of Tutankhamun
Period: 1327 BCE to 1323 BCE
Reign of Ay
Period: 1323 BCE to 1295 BCE
Reign of Horemheb
1319 BCE
Capital is moved to Memphis
1300 BCE
Canal is constructed between the Nile and the Red Sea
Period: 1295 BCE to 1294 BCE
Reign of Rameses I
Period: 1294 BCE to 1279 BCE
Reign of Seti I
1290 BCE
Economy and empire are strengthened by rule
Period: 1279 BCE to 1213 BCE
Reign of Rameses II
Period: 1274 BCE to 1258 BCE
Battle of Kadesh against the Hitties, ends in peace treaty
1250 BCE
Capital is moved to Pi-Ramesse
1250 BCE
Colossus in Memphis, Karnak temple in Luxor, two temples in Abu Simbel, a tomb inThebes, and the Hypostyle Hall are constructed
Period: 1213 BCE to 1203 BCE
Reign of Merenptah
Period: 1203 BCE to 1200 BCE
Reign of Amenmessu
Period: 1200 BCE to 1194 BCE
Reign of Seti II
Period: 1194 BCE to 1188 BCE
Reign of Saptah
Period: 1188 BCE to 1186 BCE
Reign of Tausret
Period: 1186 BCE to 1184 BCE
Reign of Setnakht
Period: 1184 BCE to 1153 BCE
Reign of Rameses III
1180 BCE
Xois city increases defence against sea people
1180 BCE
Sea people increase efforts of invasion
1178 BCE
Sea people are defeted in Xois
Period: 1153 BCE to 1147 BCE
Reign of Rameses IV
Period: 1147 BCE to 1143 BCE
Reign of Rameses V
Period: 1143 BCE to 1136 BCE
Reign of Rameses VI
Period: 1136 BCE to 1129 BCE
Reign of Rameses VII
Period: 1129 BCE to 1126 BCE
Reign of Rameses VIII
Period: 1126 BCE to 1108 BCE
Reign of Rameses IX
Period: 1108 BCE to 1104 BCE
Reign of Rameses X
Period: 1104 BCE to 1069 BCE
Reign of Rameses XI