Banking Act of 1933(Glass- Steagall Act)
Congress 4 provision of U.S. banking that limited bank security activities and afflation within commercial banks. -
Period: to
New Deal Programs
Tennesee Valley Authority (TVA)
A federally ran corpartion that aisted with flood control, navigation, fertilizer manufacture, and other economic developement in the Tennesse Valley -
Civilian Convervation Corp (CCC)
During the great depression young men had trouble find jobs. So during CCC was established during "FDR" New Deal programs as away to provide young men with jobs. By creating jobs money is generated into the economy. -
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
Government ran agencies that set standards for construction and underwriting and insures loans made by banks and other private lenders for home building. -
Rural Electrifaction Administration (REA)
New Deal program that provided infrastructure or infrastructure improvements and electricity to rural communities accross the country. The use of electricity made it possible for America to be connected. -
United States housing Authority (USHA)
A government ran agency that lend money to the states for low-cost onstruction. -
National Labor Relations Board (Wagner Act)
Definded what unfair busness act were and settled disputes between employeers and employees. -
National Recovery Administration (NRA)
Government goal was to eliminate "Cut Throat Competion' and regualate ethical codes and practices and set prices within the business industry. -
National Youth Administration (NYA)
A New Deal agencies that worked towards providing jobs and education for Americans 18-25 -
Social Security Administration (SSA)
UNited states established a system of benefits for old-age citizens, workers,, victims of industrial accident, unemployement insurance and aids for those who are inable to provide for themselves.