Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
The FDIC was created in 1933 to protect bank deposits up to $5000. It was a way to get people to use the bank again after the stock market crash in1929. The FDIC is still around today, and now protects up to $250,000. -
Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)
The Federal Emergency Relief Administration was used to help states to provide aid for the unemployed. This was the opening shot against the Great Depression. It's start-up fund was $500 milliion all to help the needy and unemployed. FERA was later taken over by the Social Security Board, when Congress passed the Social Security Act of 1935. -
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
The Tennessee Valley Authority Act developed the resources of the Tennessee Valley. It was founded to help the people that were hit hard, and its task was improving the quality of life in the region. We still continure to carry out the mission of serving the Tennesse Valley region, to make life better through the work in energy, the environment, and economic development,. -
Home Owner Loan Corporation (HOLC)
The HOLC loaned money to at low interst to homeowner who could not meet mortgage payments. This would provide emergency releif to lower mortgages. It also helped stabalize real estate that had gone down, and helped stope foreclosures. THe HOLC ceased its lending activities in June, 1936. -
Federal Housing Administarion (FHA)
The Federal Housing Administration, insured loans for building and repairing homes. It is the largest insurer in the world, insuring over 34 million properties since it started in 1934. The goals of the organization is to improve housing standards and condition, provide an adequate home financing system through insurance of mortgage loans, and to stabalize the mortgage market. -
Rural Electrification Administration (REA)
The Rural Electrificaiton Administration provided affordable electricity for isolated rural areas. It was created in 1935 to bring electricity to rural areas. One of the areas was the Tennessee Valley. By 1939 the REA had helped establish 417 rural electic cooperatives. It also helped serve 288,000 households. The administration was abolished in 1994 and its functions assumed by the Rural Utilities Service. -
National Youth Administration (NYA)
The National Youth Administration was made to focus on providing the youth with work and education.This program helped more than 2 million high school and college students stay in school. It helped them stay in school by the NYA giving them grants in exchange for work. The NYA was no longer funded in 1943 because the Congress refused to continue funding it. -
Social Security Administation
This provided a pension for retired workers and their spouses ad aided people with disabilities. This act created several programs that, even today, for the basis of the governments' role in providing income security. The Great Depression was not the reason why this was made, it is why it was passed they had been thinking about an act like this for a long time. They had been thinking about this since as early as 1880s. -
Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FDC)
This act required manufacturers to list ingrediants in foods, drugs, and cosmetic products. It also gave the U.S. Food and Drug Administration the authority to oversee the safety of food, drugs, and cosmetics. This law was passed after 107 people had been killed due to a poisonous ingredient. A mother of one later wrote to the President, which helped pass this Act. This act is still going on they have just added on to it. -
Fair Labor Standards Act
This act established a minimum hourly wage and maximum number of hours in a workweek for the entirecountry. Set rules for the employment of workers under 16 and banned hazerdous factory work for those under 18. This is still around today, and when they first set the minimum wage it was 25 cents.