New Deal Programs

By BRust
  • Federal Emergency Releif Administration (FERA)

    Federal Emergency Releif Administration (FERA)
    Formerly the Emergency Releif Administration under HH. Created under Federal Emergency Relief Act. Gave grants to states to provide aid programs. Harry Hopkins appointed to head. First administration, with CCC, created under New Deal. Main goal was to lower unemployment by creating new unskilled jobs in local and state govs, also providing dignity. Until its was abolished in Dec 1935 it provided $3.1 billion to states. Taken over by WPA and SSA.
  • Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)

    Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)
    Created under the Agricultural Adjustment Act. Reduced ag production by paying farmers not to plant on some and to kill off excess livestock.Purpose was to reduce crop surplus, therefore raising the value of crops. By 1936, $1.5 billion were given to farmers, but drought conditions became worse. On January 6, 1936 the AAA was ruled unconstituional in the case U.S. vs Butler, deeming regulation of ag a State power.
  • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
    Provides deposit insurance to people banking in US only (no credit unions). Created by banking act (Glass-Steagall) to restore public faith in American Banking system. Initially $2,500 insured per ownership, $250,000 today.
  • Security and Exchange Commission (SEC)

    Security and Exchange Commission (SEC)
    Enforces the federal securities laws. Made securities rules, and regulated the securities industry, America's stock and options exchanges. Created under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Section 4. Because of this act, people now have faith in their investments in the stock market.
  • Federal Housing Administration

    Federal Housing Administration
    Created as a part of the National Housing Act.The program set standards for construction and insurance loans for home building. The goals were to improve housing standards and conditions at the time of the Great Depression. It since has created the backbone of the mortgage and home building industries.
  • United States Housing Authority

    United States Housing Authority
    Created by the Housing Act of 1937. It was designed to lend money to the states or communities for low-cost construction. Ultimately, it was created to improve their quality of life of poor and enhance chances for success, during the time of the Great Depression. The program reorganized as the Federal Works Agency under Reorganization act of 1939. Reorganzided again in 1942, and finally abolished in 1945.
  • Rural Electrification Administration (REA)

    Rural Electrification Administration (REA)
    Created after FDR issued Executive Order 7037. Only about 10% of rural farms had power before the administration was created. In Germany and France almost 90% of farms had power. By 1939, the REA had helped to establish 417 rural electric cooperatives, which served 288,000 households. Abolished in 1994, and the Rural Utilities Serivce took over its functions, under the Department of Agriculture Reorganization Act.
  • National Youth Administration (NYA)

    National Youth Administration (NYA)
    Put in place to solve the problem of unemployment pertaining to Depression-era youth. NYA gave grants to high school and college students in exchange for work. It also provided on the job training for federally funded work projects designed for youth(ages 16-24) with skills for the future. Created under the Emergency Relief Appopriation Act of 1935. It employed 4.7 million young adults. Abolished in 1943, due to wartime spending.
  • National Labor Relations Board (NRLB)

    National Labor Relations Board (NRLB)
    Created by the Wagner Act. The National Labor Relations Board maintains the employee rights to organize and to determine whether to have unions. The board also prevents any "unfair labor practices" committed by unions and employers. Governed by a 5 person board and a General Council, all appointed by President and Senate.
  • Social Security Administration (SSA)

    Social Security Administration (SSA)
    Created by the Social Security Act. It provides Social Security, which is a social insurance program containing of disability, retirement, and survivor benefits. To be applicable for any benefits, workers must taxes based off of their earnings. First check given with retirement benefits was $22.54. In 2014, the net cost of social security was $906.4 billion in the United States.