New Deal Policies

  • Civilian Conservation Corps Act

    Civilian Conservation Corps Act
    First New Deal: The CCC was a voluntary public work relief program. It was for young men who needed a job coming out of the Great Depression. The men went and worked on federal land gathering resources for the government. They would get paid $30 dollars a month but $25 would have to be sent home to their families.
  • Agricultural Adjustment Act

    Agricultural Adjustment Act
    First New Deal: This relief act offered farmers subsidies in exchange for limiting their production of certain crops. The subsidies were meant to limit overproduction so that crop prices could increase. The increased crop prices would be good for the farmers because they would make more money and keep them out of bankruptcy. The AAA was eventually declared unconstitutional by the supreme court and a revised one would take its place in 1938.
  • Tennessee Valley Authority Act

    Tennessee Valley Authority Act
    First New Deal: Roosevelt Created the TVA to maintain and operate Wilson Dam and Muscle Shoals and improve navigation and flood controls, extending the transmission of electrical power. They built the dams to improve hydroelectric power for people in the valley. There were a total of five dams built. It was a reform act.
  • Home Owners Loan Act

    First New Deal: The purpose of this recovery law was to provide provide emergency relief for home mortgage indebtedness, to refinance home mortgages, to extend relief to the owners. This was so families could get back on their feet and not have to worry about shelter. This act also prevented foreclosures on people homes.
  • National Industrial Recovery Act

    National Industrial Recovery Act
    First New Deal: This recovery act recognized a state of industrial emergency, suspended anti trust laws, authorized president to create an agency to address the emergency by the composition of industrial codes. Roosevelt hoped to raise prices by limiting production while protecting purchasing power for workers.
  • National Youth Administration

    National Youth Administration
    Second New Deal: This relief act sought to help the younger generation. It provided job training and work for 16-25 year olds. This was good because it started a wave of the next generation of American workers. It also allowed for these young men and women to provide for their families at home if their parents needed help.
  • Works Progress Administration

    Works Progress Administration
    Second New Deal: This relief act focuses on young people and minorities. This was for people to be able to have jobs and earn money. The workers built bridges, schools, libraries, sewer systems, and the Blue Ridge parkway.There were many problems especially with money and discrimination in the south.
  • National Labor Relations Act

    Second New Deal: This reform act was for the working class. It allowed for workers to negotiate their wages and bargain collectively with their employers. It also protected strikes and prohibited employers from firing employees after a strike. I also restricted anti union tactics.
  • Social Security Act

    Second New Deal: This reform act was created to help the elderly citizens. It allowed for elderly people to pay their insurance and to receive free government aid because they can't work. The elderly also got pension for the act worth $41.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    Fair Labor Standards Act
    Second New Deal: This reform act establishes a minimum wage so that workers are payed an amount that they can live off of. The minimum wage was 40 cents and hour and they created a maximum workweek or 40 hours. The reason they created a maximum workweek is because some people would be forced to work all day and night with no breaks and this was not good for their health.