"The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress"
Listen 'The moon is a harsh mistress'The book named ‘the moon is a harsh mistress’ is the typical science fiction of novel that is one of the high points of modern science fiction, a novel bursting with politics, hum, It is one of most famous cyberpunk fiction novel that received the Hugo award for best science fiction novel in 1967. It is highly recommended for people who really curious about American typical cyberpunk fiction of book. -
The American cyberpunk movie: Escape from NewYork
The movie's New York of 1997 would have been more interesting if it were seen as a genuinely different prison society, rather than as a recycled version of THE WARRIORS(another cyberpunk movie). It is highly recommend those people who really expect to wach modern style of cyberpunk movie. -
The cyberpunk video game: system shock
System shock is a 1994 initial video game and the game is base on cyberpunk version to create by Doug church with Warren Spector mainly as producer. This game’s visual effect is typically divided into three parts, which are 3D engine; physics simulation and complex system of gameplay and these factors have been cited as both innovative and influential.
By these reason this video game still popular among cyber gamers and the game company constantly launch the next version of system shock game. -
The cyberpunk novel: Idoru
This novel of backgruond is start from japanese cultural phenomenon, and keep it to see main janpanese idol character.
the novel: Idoru is second edition of book in William Gibson's
bridge trilogy. And it is a science-fiction novel set in a postmodern, dystopian, cyberpunk future. -
The movie: Natural city (South Korea' s first cyberpunk movie)
http://hubpages.com/hub/Top-5-Foreign-Cyberpunk-Movies It is South Korea's first cyberpunk movie that one movie director
called Min Byeong-cheon was the first person who create Asian
style of cyberpunk in South Korea.
The movie story is forbidden romance and sweet cyborg fights.I was very impressed. even the movie director is South Korean and he is Asian guy, he have created great coo-looking cyberpunk movie.