Neveah G.

  • Birth day

    i was born in Griffin hospital at the time 2:25pm
  • living

    i lived in Ansonia until i was 2 when my sister was born
  • moving day

    i moved a few years later when i was five to Waterbury CT
    i went to Spregg school and went there kindergarten to first grade
  • bad school

    i was bullied half my life in first grade by 6th graders
  • Leaving half way

    i moved again when i turned 6 and moved to Ansonia again
  • New girl

    i met my new teacher, she was so sweet to me and i sat down coloring while my dad talked to her. i remember all the kids walking in and whispering to each other looking at me and saying " look theirs a new girl"
  • Fun

    i had the best time meeting my new friends. they were so much nicer and better then my old school
  • Grade up

    i moved up a grade to 2nd grade. Mrs. Rodgers was my favorite teacher i had there so far. she was so sweet and nice to all of us. we played games and had fun but again i was bullied by a girl named Jada. and other then that i was way to friendly and sensitive
  • 3rd times around

    i grew up a bit and wasn't as sensitive but i was still sensitive. i had my new favorite teacher, oh i was i could remember what her name was. i did get into trouble a lot more, but i wasn't a goodie two shoes as much as i was, i was still at that age
  • first "real" fight

    this fight wasn't as real as it may seem but this kid named angle bit me. so i was with a group of friends and he pushed one of the girl to the ground and we confronted him and he turned around and attacked another girl and tried to grabbed her glasses off so me and this boy tried to pull him off and he bit both of us. too bad me and the boy got insoluble insted of angle
  • fourth grader

    i hated my fourth grade teacher. she was so annoying and she looked like a witch. Mrs. Seccomb. yes that was her and she was evil as all heck, she used to yell at me for nothing when there were other kids worse then me. like Jacob he smoked weed and i still got more in more trouble then him. i wasn't a bad kid at all, i came to the conclusion she just didn't like med.
  • Favorite class

    this wasn't my favorite grade that would have to be kindergarten but this class. oh i loved this c lass so much. we had a thing called the crayon war weer we all used to throw crayons at each other when the teacher wasn't looking. we were so bad, including me. the kids in that class made me grow some back bone. and oh angle, angle angle angle, how he was the worst, he leave class whenever and used to bite people. and oh Josiah used to get caught in the gir=ls bathroom
  • the grade before H E L L

    so it was the last grade before middle school. even though 6th grade is supposed to be in middle school but okay anyways, this year was really bad. i was bad and so was my class, there were at least 10 fights in that school at the time. and it was our grade only. we had an eraser war too. we ripped them cut them hand put them into bags giving it to our friends and throwing them
  • Preparing

    before i went to 7th grade i went tubing that very summer and it was really fun. even if i fell into the water. after that i didn't really do much i mostly stayed at home and tried to prepare myself for the 7th grade. it was boring really
  • H E double hockey sticks

    it was finally the first day of 7th grade and i was with all my friends and.... the other school, see they combined the schools together so we were all stuck with strange people. but in the end it ended up well but most of the teachers suck here. and our LA teacher, dont even get med started. we had like 18 different LA teachers