Netflix is Founded
Netflix is co-founded by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph in Scotts Valley, California. -
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Netflix Timeline
Monthly Subscribtion
Netflix introduces the subscription service, offering unlimited rentals for one low monthly subscription. -
Movie Recommendations
Netflix launches the personalized movie recommendation system. It uses Netflix members’ ratings to accurately predict choices for all Netflix members. -
Netflix Introduces Streaming
Streaming allows members to instantly watch television shows and movies on their personal computers. -
Netflix Available on Even More Devices
Netflix is available on the Apple iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch, the Nintendo Wii, and other Internet connected devices meaning you can watch Netflix anytime and anywhere. -
Netflix Recieves 31 Emmy Nominations and 3 Wins
Netflix was the first internet TV network nominated for the primetime Emmy. The nominations including outstanding drama series, comedy series and documentary or nonfiction special. They were for “House of Cards”, “Orange is the New Black”, and “The Square” . House of Cards won three Primetime Emmy Awards making Emmy history.